I marched for Health Care Sunday. I joined proponents and watched some opponents, who decided to shadow us and heckle, as we walked from the Mall to City Hall. First, we all noticed how many large and beautiful “Don’t Tread on Me” and American flags they carried. Our “side” on the other hand, carried children, led dogs, and had a few handmade signs (very homemade). I wonder where they got those nice flags?
Anyway, we marched to City Hall. Another contrast was readily apparent. Our group met and talked. We heard testimonials about Health Care problems, talked about how little our Congressman was doing, discussed Health Care and Health Insurance, and the various bills in the offering. Some questions were asked and answers provided. Meanwhile, our “opponents” elected to not confront us but to parade on Cypress Avenue, “demonstrating” in a very organized way, urging motorists to honk horns, waving their expensive flags looking for a camera.
The contrast between us was glaring. Our “side” talked, carried homemade signs, there was no sign of contrived organization or paid for purpose. The other “side” heckled, was organized and carried very expensive flags.
It is obvious where I am going with this; those who oppose health care reform and demonstrate as ‘tea partiers” are bankrolled by somebody. If they represent grassroots America then somebody has hit the lottery. They chant, they rant, they heckle, but they don’t talk much. Several times, I purposely called out to them with “how about compromise” and was chanted at; “liar, liar, pants on fire” was one response. Huh?
That is were we are as a nation. The right wing, bankrolled by the insurance industry and billionaires, has taken health care reform and defeating the President as a cause. They don’t talk, they don’t discuss, they heckle, belittle and demonstrate. The rest of us either stand back in disgust, afraid of confrontation, and shake our heads as our “opponents” try to find another camera to pitch their “message” to.
They know how the media game is played, and they may “buy” victory, but our democracy and economy will continue its decline into the gutter.
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