I could go on and on. Each of these and other charges by the conservative right wing are repeated and enhanced through Fox media to do one thing; convince the average, non-reading voter, that simple solutions to problems are all we need to do.
Voters are propagandized to believe that global warming is nothing; caused by sun spots, not people. Literally billions are spent to do one thing: convince the public that the problems in energy, education and health care are not that complex, they just need a simple over riding solution: like cut taxes, buy insurance across state lines, and create charter schools.
And that is our major problem. The facts are that the problems this nation faces are not simple. We are a nation of over 300 million people, with hundreds of languages, and many cultures pushed together.
The social, political and economic sciences were established with the idea that complex problems require study, statistical analysis, and depth of research to lead to accurate and effective solutions.
One good example right now is the rise in gas prices. I have read several letters to the editor, by gleeful conservatives, blaming President Obama's delay of approval of the Keystone Pipeline for the high gas prices. Even if the President ultimately approves the pipeline, it will not be built for many years. How on earth can the act of not approving it NOW have anything to do with high tax prices?
Then there is the Iran issue and gas prices. Conservative candidates (I don't think there is a Republican Party anymore) all claim they will lower gas prices, while bombing Iran into oblivion.
Any research at all of gas prices increases now, includes how the Iranian crisis is driving gas speculations up. If the middle east is plunged into yet another war, Iran can block more than just their gas reserves. Saudi Arabia is not an enemy of Iran, and would, in the event of an attack on Iran, curtail its oil exports to the west. The results of that would be a two dollar rise in the price of gas.
The truth, and you have to READ to find this out, is that President Obama's policies on energy have resulted in a massive increase in drilling, fracking and domestic oil production. Many progressives are not comfortable with this, but the truth is present U.S. energy policy encourages gas efficiency, natural gas exploration, solar power increases. In short, a COMPLEX policy approach aimed at reducting our gasoline dependency.
The United States has 2% of the world's population and uses almost 30% of the world's energy. And, the vast majority of crude oil in the world is NOT in the United States. And, oil that is mined in the United States (coal also for that matter) is exported to other nations. Is is not our oil!
It always interests me that my con friends say it is "our coal and oil", when we never have nationalized these industries. Shell Oil, Standard Oil, all Oil Companies are multi-nationals who have loyalty to one thing: profit.
When Obama ran for president in 2008 he also used the increase in oil prices to political advantage. But he ran on a complex energy policy, that worked to decrease our overall reliance on fossil fuels, smarter development of energy reserves, and a long range plan to protect the United States best interests.
Congress steadfastly refused to enact most of the President's energy agenda, and we are seeing its effects now; once again being worked by foreign developments through higher gas prices.
Elect the conservatives and you elect the oil companies plain and simple, and you insure our slavery to fossil fuels; which the world is running out of.
And the endgame of this inability to maturely and scientifically dealing with a problem: the destruction of the United States.
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