Super Pacs and their offshoots are raising billions of untraceable dollars to fuel our already bloated political process. Money rules everything.
And it is patently unfair. Multi-national corporations, bent on weakening the American economy are pouring millions into campaigns to elect people who, as Mitt Romney just said, "don't care about the poor".
And they don't.
What amazes me about many of my conservative friends is they never get the utter hatred and distain the super rich have for ordinary people in this country.
The rich pour millions into causes that have literally broken the middle class, and enriched the top 1% beyond belief, and conservative poor people root for them. That's right, actually root for them!
But the Supreme Court, who may vote later this year to invalidate much of the Affordable Health Care Act (another law that stands to massively help not hurt the poor and middle class), has insured the unfairness in this country only gets worse. Who really stands to lose if the Affordable Health Care survives: the rich "health care" insurance industry of course. Who is fighting the Act with everything it guess!
Money is power. The founding fathers knew that, as they faced down the most powerful, and richest empire in the world at the time. They knew that Britian had already bought off most colonists, called Tories, with their riches.
In fact, the Tories continue after the revolution to ultimately morph into guess who? The Republicans! If you doubt this, read a little bit from James Madison.
Anyway, Jefferson knew it was a long shot for ordinary people to prevail, so they crafted the Constitution with a Bill of Rights to protect the little guy. The Tories have been working ever since to undermine that political idea.
And the Supreme Court is packed with at least five Tories. These aristocratic idealists, actually believe that the best government is one that rules aristocratically, that rich people all deserve all their wealth, and the poor "don't matter". (Again Romney).
The Supreme Court majority in "Citizens United" proved that Torie aristocracy rules in the United States. A person of modest means simply can no longer run for Federal office, nor for state office and soon even for local office. Super-Pacs will decide who runs, and with the exception of a dwindling power base of unions, own the political influence landscape.
Unions are being attacked at every turn by the Tories who realize that once their power is gone (which it almost is), then aristocracy cannot help but win.
And who roots the attacks on? The middle class of course, propagandized by Fox News into actually believing that unions are evil, that working class rights are wrong, that a decent wage is uncompetitive.
So we read about Apple, whose sub-contractors in China recently were exposed for running sweat shops, doing jobs American well paid workers used to do, for slave like wages and brutal working conditions. And why do they allow this? Because it leads to better profits. And who gets the profits? The rich of course!
Wal Mart has successfully resisted any efforts to unionize their workers, and employs millions of temps, part time victims of a minimum wage and no benefits. Wal Mart has led the way in breaking unions and in destroying the middle class, who SHOPS AT WAL MART!
That's right, the middle class and poor actually subsidizes the super store that helped to reduce them to poverty.
But I digress.
And unions, that once got Americans the highest standard of living in the world, are now depicted as evil. And union Super Pac money, while a shrinking factor, was depicted as on a par with corporate power in the "Citizens United" decision.
This is the same court, that said through Justice Kennedy, that the Internet would not have anything to do with expanding the power of Super-Pacs. His statements were incredibly naive.
What incredible B.S. There is no way union political influence in the United States can come close to matching up with corporate, aristocratic power. The Court was comparing apples to oranges.
President Obama has put together a tidy sum to run for President from the small contributions using the Internet. But there is a limit to how much that can earn.
All gas companies have to do is raise gas prices a few pennies (they are doing it now), and use that extra money to fuel anti-middle class aritocratic candidates.
And, as an added bonus, they then blame the President for not keeping fuel costs down; and the middle class buys it, both at the pump and at the ballot box.
So higher gas prices include the very money that will bring our democracy to an end.
Citizens Disunited....
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