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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

What hypocrisy

Rick Santorum distresses me greatly with his moralistic hypocrisy.

He stands as a "true conservative", or "severe conservative" if you subscribe to Mitt Romney's doublespeak. This position calls for small government, no fact...less than no government. Government is evil, it intrudes on lives, it destroys initiative; it is just evil!

Then listen to Rick the Elder go on and on about how contraception is evil, how abortions should be illegal, how pre-natal screenings should be banned. All of this intrusion into a woman's most personal area would be enacted, under King Rick, through GOVERNMENT!

HUH? Where does this come from? How does a unabashed severe conservative flip into government thought control? The government should ban contraception, ban abortion, ban pre-natal screening, ban womens' rights.

Santorum talks constantly about theocratic ideals, that is syllable away from theocracy.

And who is behind this theocracy plan; why the good ole Catholic Church!

Yes, the same Catholic Church whose hierarchy taught Joe Paterno everything he knew about covering up pedophilia. The same Catholic Church, who during WWII did NOTHING to stop the horrors of genocide. The same Catholic Church that forbids contraception in Third World countries, resulting in mass starvation; with child mortality at record levels.

As a Christian I know I should not criticize my fellow Christians. However, there is little doubt that the Catholic Church is foursquare behind Rick Santorum. The recent dust up over The Affordable Care Act including contraception as a covered benefit, and the Catholic Church's out of context reaction was timed perfectly for political effect.

The facts are that this is a non-issue, being manipulated by the Catholic Bishops to assist Rick Santorum's candidacy.

The loser in all this is Mitt Romney, who has seen his double digit lead in Michigan disappear as Rick Santorum, who is probably un-electable in the general election, surges.

Santorum is surging because he is promising to use the government, if he is elected President, to legislate morality, plain and simple. If he wins, every woman in America loses big time!

The hypocrisy of this is off the charts.

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