Ok, take a deep breath and read...that's right google Eisenhower, or post World War II economy. You will see the obvious, the United States was the ONLY country on earth that emerged from WWII with its economy intact. No American city was bombed, our casualty rate was the lowest of any of the combatants; while ghastly still way lower. 25 million Russians died, 17 million Germans. Japan was on its back, with atomic fallout sprinkling down into its ruins.
And America, why we manufactured everything. We were the world's recovery and our economy boomed. And we paid for WWII partially with a high tax rate on the rich, plus a booming economy that drove tax proceeds through the roof.
And that was Eisenhower's doing. Bullshit...it was the world's recovery and America was the engine, and you have to count Canada and Mexico too.
If you don't believe me look it up, Google post war Germany or Russia.
Americans are famously xenophobic and isolationistic. We sit behind two vast oceans and watch the rest of the world pass by. We almost waited too long in 1941, almost lost the whole thing.
But WE did not prosper because of US perfection, we prospered (and still do) by our manufacturing sector being untouched by war, being left alone with government controls, to do what it does best; invent and make things in large quantities.
So don't be so damn glib, we have been lucky...
Ask Alabama in 1866...or Georgia...how is it to be bombed and occupied? Good for golf?
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