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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Con of "Both Are To Blame"

Here we go again...the old conservative sop, "Both sides are to blame for the political mess we are in".

In President Obama's Inaugeral I remember( the establishment press does not)  him stressing (as he did in the first Inaugeral) that we were one nation, not blue not red, but one people.  

He has been criticized by many pundits for being naive by reaching across the aisle.  

This article lists only one accomplishment by Democrats that showed a willingness to help the middle class, a big on:  The ACA.

But it was passed with NO Republican support, none.  The single payer didn't have a chance because the Deomcratically controlled "Blue Dog" democrats refused to give the votes to pass it. The Democratic Party was debating itself.   The Republicans were united in complete opposition, reflecting that fact they are bought and paid for by the medical oligarchy.

Remember Scott Brown?  That made the Senate impossible for single payer or anything else progressive for that matter. And only through a legislative maneuver was the ACA saved and passed, in a weakened form, because Scott Brown was the 41st vote, that gave the Republicans a fillibuster that would have killed the ACA.  

And who lost?  The middle class.  Who remembers this? Nobody.  The only reason I remember is the Master in Government and I was trained to remember stuff like this.  

In this article, the conservative author lists several Republican efforts that hurt the middle class and one from the Democrats.  But both sides are equally to blame?

This is the con and it has been planned and is being executed by Trump, Cruz, et al.  It has been planned by the establishment of the Republican Party.  The establishment candidates that are left in the Republican field will not condemn Trump even after his rhetoric caused violence and injury in Chicago.  They won't because THEY ARE IN ON IT!

Republicans expect the public to forget that THEY have blocked the Democratic agenda for the past eight years.  The Recession recovery was cut by nearly half by Republican filibusters in the Senate, that is the core of the misery of the middle class in this country right now.  But Republicans in their cynical way know Americans have notorious short memories, except when they are riled up by a demogogue (enter Trump).  They know that anger works especially stupid uneducated anger.  Never mind history..just feed them red meat.

The Republican Party is in on this...all of it!

So now they depict themselves as champions of the maligned middle class?    

Cons like this author trump out bullshit that everybody is to blame for Trump, when the REPUBLICAN PARTY IS TO BLAME FOR TRUMP. And who is behind the Republican Party who is really bankrolling them?  The corporate plutocrats who quite simply are trying to completely take over the country!  

The conservative liar author makes the amazing statement that Hillary Clinton, the presumptive nominee of the Democrats has been "wounded and weakened" because allegedly she has not paid attention to the middle class.

Bullshit.  Mrs. Clinton (why do we call her by her first name and call the male candidates by their last) has been wounded by a campaign attacking her honestly over a meaningless email server and a Benghazi attack that has been investigated 15 times with no result other than the lies the Republican Party has propagated.

The server I have written about here before.  It is a non issue that the Republican Party is pushing to weaken her.  They only seek to weaken her because she is running for President and is a champion of the middle class!

And it is now both Parties faults?  Really?  The Democratic Party passed voter suppression laws in the south and north that have succeeded in repressing minoritity and middle class voters?  The Democratic Party has fueled the anger in the nation by name calling of minorities and immigrants and attacking with big mony every progressive effort with millions of dollars?  What party has done this?  

READ for Christ's sake READ.  Remember!  

I think it is interesting that Republican efforts to steal this country are based on short therm memory ability from their voter base who are all in the dementia ridden 60 and 70s age group.  

I think they sometimes plan their strategy on the fact that many of us CAN"T remember!

The Republican Party will own the chaos that will ensue if a Republican wins the presidency.  There will be a civil war eventually because once the middle class figures out they are getting screwed violence will be the order of the day.

And Trump will start WWIII by accident, since he is an idiot.

This is NOT both sides share the blame...the blame is clearly on the damnable Republican Party!

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