This letter to the editor "Clinton's bad Decisions.." is indicative of the "con" about Hillary Clinton that goes on and on: These are the facts:
The conservatives have been conspiring against the Clintons for over thirty years for one reason; Bill Clinton broke the Reagan revolution. President Reagan gave cons hope that a sea change had occurred in American politics. He won two Presidencies and his hand picked successor, George H.W. Bush, won election as a "bell-weather" of a more conservative America. Then the economy happened and the "trickle down" economics really did wind up being the "voodoo economics" that George H.W. Bush warned about. And the Republicans lost the White House that they figured they had for a generation.
2. So, in reaction, the conservative conspiracy (and there is such a thing) embarked from day one on a campaign to discredit, embarrass and destroy the Democratic Party and Bill Clinton. Now Clinton provided some ammunition in one area, philandering. But American politics up until that point had left politician's private lives alone. A glaring example was Reagan himself, whose Alzheimers was covered up the last two years in office, as his wife basically ran the country. The Democrats left it alone when a scandal that the President was incompetent would have adversely affected Republican chances to hold on to the White House; and as it turned out, that is exactly what happened.
3. So one after another unfounded allegations came forth: Whitewater: whiff; Foster suicide whiff; Travel gate whiff. And finally the old standbye, Bill's stupid habit of messing around, they nearly hit a home run. However, remember there was an impeachment but no conviction; and Bill finished out his term at all time high popularity levels.
4. So they turned on Hilarie knowing she might try to someday run.
And the con continues. None of these allegations in this hate piece are true. Benghazi? Really, 15 investigations, millions of dollars spent and a whiff? And emails, really...really...Mrs. Clinton is charged with committing a crime when nothing is there, she is pillared for not following policy regarding emails that was not in effect when she was Secretary of State.
In short, the forces of the right whiff and whiff and whiff.
Meanwhile in an insanity beyond measure, the cons decided to form a tea party in reaction to, horror of horrors, a BlACK PRESIDENT! And that leads us to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, two candidates that are ripping the Republican Party apart.
The reason for this is not hard to figure out: when you run a political party based on conspiracies and got you politics, eventually it will turn to the dark side. And that is exactly what has happened. You REAP WHAT YOU SOW!
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