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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Try Thinking

I just can’t resist trying another voice in response to your article in the Record Searchlight yesterday. I doubt if you will pay any attention to it.

Try thinking differently.

It is no wonder Shasta County is “lost in the wilderness” regarding economic development. Your premises are flawed and fundamentally are the root cause of the economic disaster we find ourselves in today. You write about two needed “reforms” to spur economic growth: cut corporate tax rates by 50% and allow new industries that relocate here to not pay prevailing wage rates. In short, give them everything they want and they will come here.

The Toyota Plant closure in Fremont illustrates the folly of your approach. They too gave Toyota everything they wanted, and the plant came. After twenty years, the plant left, while building a population dependence that will be disastrous to the region. People moved to Fremont, they commuted to the plant from the valley, and still Toyota left. Tough luck. And, as far as I know, no contractual efforts to have Toyota help pay for the population they just screwed. They just leave, like all corporations in America, leaving the worker with nothing.

Your article is interesting how it uses statistics, listing California 34th in corporate tax burden I believe. You rail about the impossible California business climate. Gee, Apple must not be listening! Meanwhile we rank last in per pupil expenditure for education, next to last in state worker population. Yes, that is right, next to last.

I won’t list the impact of the global economy on us. You know all that. But to give huge corporate tax breaks to multi-nationals and then pay workers dirt cheap wages indicates to companies a panic, a lack of confidence, and failure. You will lure the bandits into the area, the irresponsible, the crooks. Your approach rewards corporate irresponsibility.

Look at the past 30 years in the county. Ever since we bought the conservative nonsense that cutting taxes and ripping wages was the way to economic growth, we have accomplished just the opposite. This county has 50,000 with no health care coverage, we are running over 20% unemployment. Our pro-business climate has failed, and failed and failed.

And what do you offer as a solution? More tax cuts and cut wages..

Here’s an idea. Stop it. Stop the slavish allegiance to an econmic philosophy (and political one) that is a failure. It doesn’t work.

This county has a reputation of being a “wing-nut” zone. We have made national news with our anti-government positions, anti-tax, anti everything.

I have quite a few friends who have been involved in the Bay Area economy for years. They say this, “Shasta County is too right wing for us”, too much radicalism.

Why not try this? Work with government for once. Work with education. Work to help develop an excellent educational system up here K-16. Then, go “all in for wind power and solar power”. We have one thing in abudance, the sun, and not much interest in solar power. In short, go green hard. The future for economic growth is fostering ideas and investment that will deal with a dwindling fossil fuel supply, shifting to different modes of transportation; etc. If Redding became the capitol of solar power development in California then we would have something. We have two things that are needed: 1. Lots of sun. 2. Lots of empty lots.

But above all, try to get beyond this lunacy of conservatism that is killing us. Quit trying to compete for retail. Realize the middle class is broke and getting broker. To continue to cut their payrolls is insanity! Oh, and when public workers are laid off, especially in Redding a government center, those lost dollars cut into the economic bone marrow.

We cut taxes in this state for over 30 years, and do rank somewhere in the middle relative to tax burden. In fact, California should be near the top, because we have the largest population. Moreover, we should try to stop our slide into ruining what once was the best public higher educational system in the world. THAT is what is killing us. Cutting public investment, especially now when we are competing in a global economy, is cutting our throats.

I remember seeing a report on the global economy once, where a group of Indian engineering students were being interviewed. They said basically that they were going to “beat the United States” because they were graduating thousands more engineers every year. And they are!

Cut taxes and you cut public investment. Cut public investment and the rot from the millions of the poor you create drags you down to oblivion.

Your solution does not work. It has a track record of many failures and right now has us on a one-way trip to making the United States a second rate power.

We are our own worst enemy. We have bought a lie and it is killing us. Stop it! Try listening to progressive economists for once.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Main Street and Your Street

So we stand poised at the precipice. The House of Representatives are preparing to vote on the most important social/ economic bill in the past twenty years (at least): health care reform. The Cons are spending millions, an hour I would suspect, to turn the tide and stop Health Insurance Reform.

Meanwhile, the governor of Idaho, that has one of the largest uninsured populations in the nation, has proclaimed that he will sue the federal government in a states' rights movement to stop health care reform. This is a position that virtually attacks the best interests of a large number of his constituents. Why on earth would this happen? What could possibly explain this behavior?

A good read is "Rediscovering Values on Wall Street, Main Street and Your Street" by Jim Wallis. This is a Christian analysis of the moral dilemma that has developed from our disastrous economic slide. The basis of the analysis is that the United States has slid further from Christ's teachings and philosophy in the past thirty years. A direct result of this moral deterioration has been the development of an economic approach that is based on greed and narcissism.

Americans have become a nation of me first. Americans have become the epitome of greed. We have lost our moral compass. We have betrayed those who died for our liberty and freedom.
A telling statistic, is that the average American has gained 30 pounds in the last twenty years. This tragically includes children. This statistic is symbolic of a nation of me, not we. A nation that has deteriorated into selfishness, overindulgence and stupidity.

The book then goes into great detail exposing countless myths and lies that Americans live with that have doomed our economy.

The reality is not that difficult to ascertain.

The problem is morality. A country that allows over 40 million of its citizens to not have health care is immoral. A country that allows an insurance system to exist that will take 40% of its GDP to go toward health care is immoral. I could go on but why?

Jesus, in more biblical references than I care to list, preached that the true measure of a godly society was how they treated the "least of me". That means, in case you are truly morality tone deaf, the innocents, the outcasts, the downtrodden.

I, however, am talking about children. Children are being victimized every day by the health care system of this country. If you blame the drug addict or alcoholic , fine. But, what about the kids? They don't have the opportunity to decide into what kind of world they are born. They did nothing to deserve their fate. The statistics are appalling about how children are cared for in United States. This is the same country that claims to be the world's best hope for the future. The fact is, we are not, because we cannot even care for our own children.

I pray that they do the right thing, and pass Health Care Reform.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Send in the Marines

I just started watching “The Pacific”, an excellent mini-series on HBO. It follows “The Band of Brothers” genre, which won awards, has been used often to teach the history of World War II; etc.

I was struck by the historical facts and images of the miniseries.

First, the Marines’ equipment. The young and untested men waded ashore on Guadalcanal with the shirts on their backs, a helmet, their weapon and lots of ammunition. Unlike their peers in Iraq and Afghanistan, these men probably had about $10.00 worth of equipment on, not counting their weaponry.

A soldier in Afghanistan costs one million dollars a year to support! In 1942 the Marines, all volunteers at that point, cost fractions of that headed into very heavy combat.

Now, I am not suggesting we should not equip our modern soldiers as they are equipped. I am suggesting we all pay for them to be so equipped, not charge our grandchildren.

What I am pointing out is that in 1942, we were “all in”. That is, the American people were taxed, bought war bonds, volunteered for civil air patrol, led metal drives; etc. We paid as much as we could for the war effort. The American people of 2010 have done NOTHING to pay for United States effort. Nothing, zero, nada!!!!

Again, the conservative con game, cut taxes and raise spending (by charging it!).

President Bush and the Republicans jammed through two huge tax cuts, passed a prescription benefit for Medicare, and added zero to the revenue to “pay for” the conflicts.

America is going to lose. We won World War II because we supported TOGETHER our national effort. This time, nobody has paid other than the brave volunteers who have been sent into battle two, three, even four times!

At the end of World War II the national deficit was almost 80% of the GNP. That’s right, 80%! This was on top of high taxes, war bonds; etc...

This led to almost thirty years of high taxes to pay down the debt. Add to this the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War and is no wonder taxes were relatively high.

Along came Ronald Reagan, and the tax revolt. He never explained that we were essentially still paying for the most destructive war on the planet. Oh no, he blamed excessive government spending! The facts are we had a huge national debt, that the “cold war’ only exacerbated.

Also, along came the me-first generation, the end of national service through the draft, and the end of cooperation to solve national problems.

So now, it is cut government, cut taxes, privatize, privatize. We have gone so far that private corporations do over 50% of the heavy lifting in Iraq! Private security firms, accountable to nobody, run around shooting people with impunity. Meanwhile, the American people are told we can do all this and not ultimately suffer for it.

And along came 2007-2008! The reckoning hit us all between the eyes. We woke up to a huge deficit BEFORE the Great Recession. Then, to mitigate the suffering, we had to add to the deficit. Social Security has been raided over thirty years (started by Mr. Reagan), to shore up some of the debt, and now being again attacked by conservatives for spending more for the first time in history than it takes in. The Congress and the President over thirty years have been taking from the Social Security Trust Fund surplus to pay down debt. That is not a failure of Social Security, it is a failure of our collective responsibility.

And the gall of the cons to blithely claim that this is Social Security’s fault, after they have raided the trust fund for years to make up for their endless tax cuts.

Those marines who somehow fought Japan’s finest at Guadalcanal, when any military expert would say it was impossible, are who we should be thinking of now. They waded into hell, with the shirts on their back and each other, with the nation behind them. What they did was exceptional, what the nation did was amazing.

And we did it with cooperation, not senseless me first competition. Selfishness, foolishness, and the unbelievable idea that the nation will prosper if each person pursues his or her selfish self interest has become a religion of the right wing fanatics who are shoving it down our throats, and who are killing our country.

This competition, free enterprise radicalism is failing. It has killed the middle class. It has killed our economy. It is killing our people, who wake up poorer, without heath care, without hope.

Those proud marines, who did the impossible, must be looking down on all of us and shaking their heads in disgust. We dishoner their memory.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Nationalists vs Provincials

One reason many Americans correctly are frustrated with our political parties is because they no longer define most of us.

For a long time, Democrats defined a liberal belief that the country’s problems could be solved through collective action. The economy could be manipulated through government intervention. Public education, defense, transportation (within strict limits) were effective ways to improve the general welfare. This resulted in taxes and costs, but the benefits outweighed the costs.

Republicans were defined as a moderate form of being a Democrat. Republicans stood for collective action to solve problems, but on a more local level. States and localities were the proper area to deal with education for example. Republicans believed in government, but limited in certain instances. Nationalization of problems was acceptable in few instances, national defense or highway construction for example, but not in health insurance. However, Richard Nixon, actually proposed, and almost got enacted, a national health insurance system very similar to the one being debated today.

Both parties, tempered by two major world wars, viewed big problems nationally, but differed in scope. If local government was more appropriate for a problem, then use it first, said Republicans, but sponsored a national system of highways under Eisenhower that became the envy of the world.

Political scientists were often frustrated, because of the small differences between the parties. Bland, moderate, middle ground, not very exciting, were all observations; especially when compared to the often violent conflicts of ideas that were going on in Europe and Latin America. Americans might argue about politics, but usually did it over a warm beer and then adjourned to go watch the football game together. To actually fight over Democrat or Republican “ideals” was ridiculous.

So what changed? Why is politics today in America becoming a blood sport?

The world changed. Without even noticing, most Americans have been transformed into a World Economy. A paradigm shift has occurred that American missed, because we so busy being good “consumers” and enjoying flat line inflation rates, zero interest loans, and no down payment mortgage deals. Meanwhile, politicians were getting elected with the approach of cutting taxes (to supposedly stimulate economic growth; i.e., more consumerism); and raise spending. Ronald Reagan was the champion of this approach, having learned from Prop 13 California that drastic tax cuts could be offset by rises in spending if you just moved the money around, and delayed paying for public projects.

The New Deal was finally stopped after nearly forty years of bipartisan support, with this approach. Cut taxes and raise spending to spur consumerism appeared to work and had the effect of moving the Republican Party to the right and to the provincial.

Provincial is the key to the understanding this paradigm shift. While American was enjoyed prosperity based on the excess spending spurred by one tax cut after another, the economy was quickly being globalized. American corporations used the tax cuts to expand overseas, finding cheap labor in new markets irresistible.

The Republican tradition of moderation was undermined by the realization that money was to be made in more radical approaches to government, and the tax cutters soon became tax crusaders. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the local government is better tradition of the Republicans morphed into “national approaches to big problems were bad and even evil”. This change blithely ignored the many national approaches Republicans had taken in the past, and their ongoing strong national defense spending position. Curiously, a large military run by a huge government program doesn’t bother conservatives at all; even though most democracies have fallen military takeovers. A huge paradox exists when on one hand Republicans decry all “big” government, but trillions were thrown at the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Nevertheless, political “purity” is now pushed as the answer to a growing minority presence relative to the Democratic Party. In today’s pure conservative thought, there must be signings of oaths (not to raise taxes) and to cut government.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 pushed Southern Democrats quickly out of the party and into the welcoming arms of Richard Nixon. His “southern strategy” worked, and when coupled with Reagan’s “new conservatism” tipped the balance of power into the conservative column for many years.

It also radicalized American politics. For the first time in years, political discussions got ugly. Race became part of the debate. Liberal Democrats were put on the defensive, as their traditional national solutions to problems were neutralized by the deft Reagan approach of cutting taxes and raising spending.

“Tax and spend” was fired at the liberals, and stuck, even though cut taxes and spend was really what was going on.

So, the New Deal finally died, ending the grand liberal/southern states rights coalition that had ruled American Politics for nearly fifty years.

Now, new definitions for the two party system are what are needed.

Democrats should be called “Nationalists” and Republicans “Provincials”. Liberal and conservative have no meaning in the modern political context.

This change has occurred in the face of a crushing paradigm shift from a national economy to an international one. The middle class has been destroyed by outsourcing jobs which has decimated pro-democrat unions. Public schools, once envied by the world, now cannot keep up with the demands of the world economy. In the past paradigm, American high schools could graduate 50% of its students; send the top 10% to the best colleges on the planet, with the rest going to work “at the plant”. Over the past thirty years, because of Reagan’s glorification of private enterprise and tax cut killing regulations, America’s manufacturing centers were shifted to China, India, and other emerging multi-national economies. There is no place for over 50% of American high school graduates, who must take increasingly lower paying jobs with no benefits.

Bill Clinton caught on to this paradigm shift, and forged a new, but brief coalition, of the few moderate Republicans and Democrats left, then supported NAFTA and other free trade movements, basically saying “if you can’t beat them, join them”. Clinton, by his nature an internationalist, having been a Rhodes Scholar, was comfortable with supporting the world economy, even though it was finishing off the beleaguered middle class, who had heretofore been loyal Democrats.

So now the shift: Republicans move harder to the right, abandoning their moderates, adopting “traditional values” and feeding on the anger of a middle class who feel abandoned by the Clinton frees trade Democrats. The former “Dixiecrats” still declaring “states rights” are hoping to turn the tide back to white rule (see below) and local control. This is code for somehow putting segregation back into fashion (an impossible dream given current demographic trends). But, hey, who said racists were logical?

And herein lays the rub for the Republicans. As tormented as their political logic has been, for example George W. Bush’s term betrayed the ruse that you could cut taxes and raise spending and not have a deficit problem, now Provincials are boxed in by the traditional value that local is best in dealing with national problems.

The paradox is that local solutions to national problems are no longer even close to an effective approach in the global economy. The issue is an international economy and global competition that states rights or local control has no chance to even address, much less solve.

Can you imagine, if miraculously the southern right winger can stem the tide of multiethnic and racial America, how it will play in China or India? One can just see a Chinese business leader coming to a renewed Jim Crow Alabama for example, and wanting to put a factory there. I don’t think so!

And then there is the destruction of the middle class. The middle class was barely even informed of the shift of manufacturing overseas. One by one, mills were closed, with often two weeks’ notice, and absolutely no transition plan.

Companies that used to be “All-American” had silently morphed into multi-nationals Levies (what could be more American?), suddenly were all made overseas! Wal-Mart not only markets Chinese made goods, it does so at such low prices that whole blocks of retail American stores are wiped out in town after town.

The victims of this cut throat competition are middle class Americans. These Americans are enraged at the unfairness of it all, but borrow more money, work more hours (if they are lucky enough to get a job) and shop at Wal-Mart with credit cards carrying interest charges that further depress their standard of living! In spite of all this abuse, many members of the beleaguered middle class are Provincials! (How the middle class has been duped and tricked by all this is another topic outside the scope of this piece).

The demolition of the middle class occurred quietly with deadly results that exploded in the Great Recession of 2008. The deck of cards came tumbling down. Low prices and the loss of economic vitality that were the inevitable result literally gutted the middle class engine of consumerism that had driven the American economy since World War II. Suddenly even Wal-Mart is hurting. Low prices are cut even lower, endangering profit margins. Still, as of this writing, the middle class has not started buying which is the beginning of the end of recessions. And they probably won’t for a long time, because many are flat broke. The golden goose of American prosperity is in real trouble.

Led by a housing bubble which was a product of the Reagan Revolution of low taxes and no regulation, speculation drove that market into the ground. It is interesting that the “Savings and Loan” scandal of Reagan’s presidency was not heeded as a warning. Speculation robbed the middle class of the only value they had, home values. And, to make matters much worse, gimmick mortgages exploded when interest rates were raised, and foreclosures are now the rule rather than a rare exception.

And the engine has been killed. The middle class has dwindled considerably. The huge trick for both parties is how to rekindle the consumer economy. So far, neither side has had much luck. Nationalists are probably closer, envisioning “greening” the economy and modernizing infrastructure and transportation. Provincials are still chanting the tax cut solution, and even the most doctrinaire of them doesn’t really believe it will work. In the short run, tax cuts work to stimulate the economy IF rates were so high in the first place that they depressed economic investment and growth. When rates are already low, and they are cut lower, the effect on the economy is huge government borrowing, from China of all places, which is harmful to economic growth.

The tragedy is of course, that government spending, the New Deal approach, is probably part of the solution here in the short term, but the more it is tried, the more deficits are driven sky high, which will retard future economic growth.

The Federal Reserve’s decade long low interest overstimulation of the economy hit the wall of a middle class that was broke. Chronic underemployment developed quickly, resisting the new President’s stimulus plan to date.

And the new president? Oh, yes, he is BLACK!

And that is the next paradigm. The Democrats, as the Republicans were making gains with their provincialism and cut taxes and raise spending strategy, were spending decades trying to reinvent their party given the international economy and a middle class that felt real betrayal. Tax and spend still works to destroy liberals.

However, it is in the blackness of the new President and the move by the Democrats to the new Clinton national approach that is now defining them as the Nationalist Party. It is no accident that an African-American was elected President. It was predictable, but happened a little sooner than expected.

Demographic studies are showing that the country has now tipped from a Caucasian majority to a mixed race one. Low Caucasian birth rates are finally catching up with the white dominated political and economic culture. Immigration is also having an effect, but birth rates are the real factor. And, contrary to the white hopes of the fading south, this is a very good thing!

Why? Because of the international global economy, that’s why! Countries, like China for example, that for years were dominated by European and American economies, are quickly becoming dominant. Former Aryan, xenophobic approaches (white man’s burden) are not appreciated in brown and yellow countries. Caucasians find themselves on the defensive immediately, when they try to dominate global economic discussions. In fact, there is a backlash developing, and European/United States white dominated businessmen are at a decided disadvantage when confronted with Chinese women who already own the Wal-Marts of the world.

It is vital that the Democrats drove the Dixiecrats out of the party in the 60s. It is also vital that Democrats have become Nationalists, because it is only nationally that the United States can deal with the global economy. Local approaches are simply not germane anymore. What is good for Alabama is not good for anyone, including Alabama!

The problem is the Republicans. As the moderates leave in droves, and the party swings to localism and libertarianism, the Party’s ability to effectively deal with problems and actually solve them deteriorates.

How does this jive with what will probably be some victories in the 2010 mid-term elections?

Unfortunately, for the Republicans, that will be the worst thing that can happen to them. If, for example, they attain a majority, then they will have to apply their increasingly minority, provincial solutions to international economic problems, and fall flat as non-starters.

And, their failures will simply revitalize the multi-racial coalition that grows in potential power daily. If that monster is aroused enough, Provincials will be not only in political danger, but physical danger as well.

It is no accident that rural white supremists are arming themselves. In their twisted way they are realizing that they are outnumbered and are becoming more isolated. This paranoia has led to even more radicalization of the Provincials, particularly in rural areas.

Now some ifs: It must be noted the paradigm development discussed above has a very large danger in it. The danger grows as the parties swing further apart, the potential for violent conflict increases. The peaceful transfer of power, always a vital American tradition, could be in trouble if the new defining and re-inventing of each party deteriorates into fascism.

The Tea Party, that still refuses to kick out the white supremists and other radicals for example, could become the vehicle for fascism growing in America much like the All-American Bund in the mid-thirties. Luckily, as with many radical movements in the United States, the fascists dwindled in the face of the power of the major parties and the advent of World War II; being a fascist in America is 1941 was not exactly a route to most popular citizen. Such obstacles do not exist today, making fascism development a real possibility if not likely.

The First If: Can the two party system exist when one party becomes more minority all the time? Unless the Republicans can broaden their appeal, from what is becoming an all white, past middle age, regionally dominated and rural party, they will be a minority in American Politics for a long time. If they can figure a way to reinvent themselves and broaden their base around provincial lines, not fascist ones, then they might continue to exist. Frankly, this if is a large one to overcome for provincial Republicans.

The Second If: Can the Democratic Party (Nationalist Party), realize the demographic shift and counter the traditionally effective “tax and spend” “branding” by the Provincials?

If they can, the Nationalist Party will be the only dominant party in the United States. The key to this is energizing the coalition that swept the African American President into power. The power in that was not so much current as future, because emerging multi-racial, and mixed raced political power will be the standard in the next fifty years in the United States.

This will also be driven by the need to fit into the global economy that is becoming increasingly dominated by world citizens of color. The Caucasian domination of the world is ending.

The Third If: If the Republicans or Provincials continue to isolate themselves, will their huge economic advantage be able to offset the demographic advantage of the Nationalists?

The recent Supreme Court decision, enabling huge corporate donations in political campaigns, could prove the salvation of what amounts to a dwindling political movement. In short, Provincials could simply buy elections in the future if the Nationalists cannot motivate their huge base.

This is problematic however, considering the huge numeric disadvantage the Provincials will have, coupled with their philosophical mis-match with global economic realities. And, multinational corporations, who were given such an advantage by the Supreme Court, may not want to support Provincials who spout racist dogma, when the majority of their boards are Chinese.

A textbook example of this occurred in California in the 1990s. Republicans decided to make immigrant bashing under then Governor Wilson a keystone of their political attack against Democrats. This backfired, because Wilson didn’t look at the demographic shift in the state, with a majority of the state people of color and a huge Mexican-American population. Provincial immigrant bashing, racist in its core, does not appeal to “minorities” who are now, if they combine, a majority. If one follows voting patterns in Los Angeles, the impact is remarkable. Los Angeles and San Francisco are getting bigger and more nationalist all the time. Rural California, decreasingly white, continues to immigrant bash, but just don’t have the votes.

So, multinational corporations, who make up the majority of “American” corporations, may, with the exception of petroleum corporations, not take advantage of the Supreme Court’s Provincial Gift. In fact, they may swing the other way, because the Nationalist Party is the only party they can talk to realistically about American markets.

It is not by accident that conservatives hate and fear the “Acorn Movement”, because, in spite of its Keystone Cops behavior, it represents a real threat to white hegemony everywhere.

The final if: Can American democracy continue without a vital two party system? The potential exists for the destabilizing effect of multiple parties developing as the Nationals and Provincials fail to contain their members into broadly based coalitions. This will probably happen first with the Provincials, who find party discipline like herding cats. There is simply too much radicalism within the party for any sort of real control. At any time, a whole segment of the party could quit, take its votes and go home, over ideological differences.

This is shown by conservative Republicans today appearing more disciplined than Democrats, but this is deceiving. Under the surface of the short term Republican discipline against Obama Health Care, are deep fractures in philosophy, actions and organization. Republican Party meetings are continuing to deteriorate into shouting matches, as radical right wingers clash with even less radical right wingers. The moderates have long since left the building, to register as Independents, who easily morph into Nationalists.

Independents may “send a message” of anger to Nationalists who can’t fix underemployment, but where else can they go? Not to the radical Provincials that is for sure.

This leaves us with a growing Nationalist Party, whose identity is very different from the New Deal coalition of the past. It is possible to predict where this party will go.

One could predict a national effort to deal with the global economy. One could predict a more hostile approach; witness Obama’s educational reforms, to tradition Democrat Unionism, especially if it perceived that such unionism is harming multi-ethnic constituents. One could predict continuing reform of Health Insurance, since without it global economic competition is impossible. One could predict a lessening of military spending to deal with the deficit. One could predict ultimately breaking through the “tax and spend” trap, and taxing the rich at 1960s rates as the middle class slowly begins to realize who really screwed them.

One thing is for sure, the goals of the Nationalists will be general and bland if the party is to exist. Another thing is for sure, the Nationalists will be a party open to all races, creeds and religions as it seeks to fit into the global economic and political scheme of things.

Unfortunately, in conclusion, this leaves us with a major party, the Nationalists, versus a collection of right wing groups, the Provincials, the Tea Party, the John Birchers, the Libertarians; etc.

American political institutions are all, from state to federal, conditioned on a two party system. Experience with multi-parties, a Parliamentary system, is limited.

Therefore, the potential for often violent and confrontational politics will increase unless the political system can be modified to accommodate a political make-up of one large party and several splinter ones.

Such conditions in the past, unfortunately, saw the rise of fascism and political instability.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Today, in the Record Searchlight, our local con pamphlet, the predictable cartoon showing the GOP Elephant striding away with Ronald Reagan from a gridlocked Washington saying, "You did good".

The Reagan Revolution included the United States in the folly that Reagan propagated in California. After his tenure, Conservative Think Tanks sprang up all over the country (mostly paid for by big corporations), legitimizing the conservative economic, political and social philosophy.

What these think tanks have NEVER done is to statistically prove that Reagan's ideas and philosophy actually worked!

Take "Law and Order" as an example. Reagan was elected Governor of California with the promise to bring order to campuses who were protesting the Vietnam War. He did, he moved the National Guard and police in, shot a few students, and everyone went home. Of course, meanwhile, the war was ENDING. But, of course, the "Law and Order" approach was given credit for "pacifying" the campuses.

So, the con was on. California passed a series of referendums and laws extending prison stay, the "three strikes and your out laws"; etc. We built massive prisons, and did away with "bleeding heart" rehabilitation programs.

We also reversed state support for prisons over colleges (pay back for those unruly students).

Today, yes today, March 3, 2010, students throughout California are protesting again, only this time because they cannot afford the tuition and fees in our former public colleges.

The dream and promise of college education access to all has been destroyed. The innovation and ideas of a well educated California population gone.

And who is accountable for this? Not Reagan and the conservative philosophy that got California is the mess for sure! "It's the damn spending liberals", they cry! Don't blame me, the cons claim, as they cut yet another program.

And, of course, the people of California buy it! In recent polls, 50% of Californians versus 47% think cuts are the best way to handle a 23 Billion Dollar Deficit. If that is done, the public schools system, AND the prison system, in California is done. Oh, but Charters and Vouchers are the answer they cry! Make the school system aristocratic is another suggestion. In an increasingly multi-racial, multi-cultural society have a school system that is segregated. That worked well in the south pre-1964 right?

And who is accountable? What didn't work? The con think tanks continue to scream "spending, spending, spending" when in fact state spending has declined or been level when adjusted for inflation and population growth for over 10 years!

So where is ANY accountability? Who does Mrs. Jones blame because her son's favorite 3rd grade teacher just got a pink slip? Who indeed!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The election in Massachusetts and the “strict constructionist” (sic) Supreme Court pro-corporation decision, predict that the following.

  1. Expect Health Insurance premiums to increase 30 to 40 percent in the next three years and continue climbing. Insurance companies need to pay for all that advertising they did to fool us. Buy gold!
  2. Expect deep cuts in Social Security and Medicare. That is the only way to balance the budget and cut taxes; i.e., the California Dream-no safety net. Buy more gold!
  3. Expect little regulation on the banking industry whose insane schemes cost many of you your jobs and future; one financial melt down after another. Buy even more gold!
  4. Expect double digit unemployment for many years. Tough to buy gold!
  5. There will be no regulation of Wall Street practices that killed the economy. They are untouchable now and they know it. Hide your gold!
  6. Expect gasoline at $5.00 or more a gallon. And, no public transportation as an alternative. Green projects are dead. Trade gold for a gas!
  7. Plan for privatization of education and if you are poor, forget it..Study gold!
  8. Look up “oligarchy” because that is what we have now and more of it in the future. Buy corporate gold!

The amazing thing is the American Dream wasn’t killed by the rich, it was killed by the Fox News indoctrinated middle class who are fooled, mad and “won’t take it anymore”. And there isn’t enough gold to go around.

Educators Rant or Right

It is amazing how consistent editorial writers are in their total ignorance of public education. In today’s editorial “It’s Not Just About Money” the scene is set that California has chronically underfunded its schools. Information as usual, is divulged explaining how inflation is not even being matched, and California’s position in the nation is deteriorating. Schools quite simply are being told increasingly to do more with nothing.

Then, predictably, the editorial asserts that Prop 98 is to blame, because it has “hamstrung” how to allocate scarce resources. Moreover, it’s lousy teachers’ faults, so test scores should be tied to teacher evaluations.

There you have it, abandon Prop 98 and make it easier to fire teachers and education will improve. Of course nothing is said about teachers who deal with students from socioeconomic and family backgrounds who need more help than our public system can give.


Lousy teachers are to blame for billions of dollars in underfunding? This feeds the public’s wrong headedness that public education is full of lousy, good for nothing, rotten teachers. Nonsense!! California is the most diverse state in the nation. Every day teachers enter classrooms with abused children, illiterate children, angry children; etc. Everyday, these same teachers somehow survive and teach children who simply DARE them to teach them. Yes, some do fail, but in circumstances that even master teachers would struggle with. Now, thanks to chronic underfunding, the odds of success are reduced dramatically. The latest budget will make bad schools worse, mediocre schools bad, and good schools suspect.

So, we’ll fix it, suspend Prop 98 and underfund education even more?? Set up a system that rewards those who teach high achieving students? So, who would then be stupid enough to take on the low achieving students if you are punished when they don’t succeed on arbitrary standardized tests.

Because of the nonsense you propagate, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get anyone to become a teacher. If you are so naïve, get ready to be blamed for every societal ill, plummeted by politicians eager to destroy equal opportunity, and maligned by a governor who can’t begin to comprehend what ordinary people do.

Here is the way to fix education in California. Value your teacher corps, reward with good salaries, benefits and prestige those who toil in our overcrowded and underfunded classrooms. Forget about tinkering constantly with a system you don’t understand.

“Fixing education” means investment and public responsibility, which are evidently not part of the California political landscape anymore.

Note: I am a retired school teacher/administrator of 35 years, and know more about education than every one of your editorial writers put together. You hurt teachers again today with your foolishness.

Crystal Ball

The election in Massachusetts and the “strict constructionist” (sic) Supreme Court pro-corporation decision, predict that the following.

  1. Expect Health Insurance premiums to increase 30 to 40 percent in the next three years and continue climbing. Insurance companies need to pay for all that advertising they did to fool us. Buy gold!
  2. Expect deep cuts in Social Security and Medicare. That is the only way to balance the budget and cut taxes; i.e., the California Dream-no safety net. Buy more gold!
  3. Expect little regulation on the banking industry whose insane schemes cost many of you your jobs and future; one financial melt down after another. Buy even more gold!
  4. Expect double digit unemployment for many years. Tough to buy gold!
  5. There will be no regulation of Wall Street practices that killed the economy. They are untouchable now and they know it. Hide your gold!
  6. Expect gasoline at $5.00 or more a gallon. And, no public transportation as an alternative. Green projects are dead. Trade gold for a gas!
  7. Plan for privatization of education and if you are poor, forget it..Study gold!
  8. Look up “oligarchy” because that is what we have now and more of it in the future. Buy corporate gold!

The amazing thing is the American Dream wasn’t killed by the rich, it was killed by the Fox News indoctrinated middle class who are fooled, mad and “won’t take it anymore”. And there isn’t enough gold to go around.

Sowell Rants Again

Thomas Sowell was at it again in his diatribe “Pols solve only their own problems” . He endlessly lists examples of politicians, remarkably Democrats, who are either solving made up problems, or striving to get elected. His premise is again, that government is stupid, oh yes; Democrat Government is stupid, disingenuous and does not care about common people’s problems.

This guy is supposed to be a scholar. He is supposed to study problems and give some kind of scholarly opinion. All he does is slam one party, one philosophy.

He never mentions: 1. The Republicans in the past eight years opened up the Congress to lobbyists more than in our history, the government quite simply has been sold out. 2. Under Conservative leadership, there has been the largest shift of wealth to the top 1% than ever before in our history. 3. The middle class has deteriorated in the past twenty years and stands at the lowest level, adjusted for inflation, than in 1933. 4. Manufacturing jobs have been exported overseas at a level that have made the United States purely an importing nation with negligible exports. This means a tremendous loss of jobs that are not coming back. 5. The Health Care system is so broken that 50 million have no insurance at all; thousands are dying (mostly children). 5. The conservative “philosophy” of government has led California to spending on prisons at a higher level than higher education, leading to the destruction of the best public higher education system in the world. This was for “law and order”, meanwhile crime statistics increase because prisons have become higher education for criminals (no training, no rehibilitation).

I could go on, but some of you, those not blinded by the lying propaganda of the right, get it. Sowell is a con, yes a con. He lies to get his point across. When will we wise up?

The Rugged Individualist

It is interesting how myths have such a hold on Americans. Ken Murray’s recent opinion piece contains many myths, but since he writes for a nice conservative paper, who limits rebuttals; I will list but a few in my restricted space:

  1. “Universal Health Insurance infringes on personal responsibility.” The United States is the ONLY industrialized nation in the world to not have a universal health care system. This has lead to a “system” that rations care between the rich and the poor; destroying families through bankrupcies and ruining lives. Rich people benefit, the rest of us are left to hope nothing happens. We are free to have our lives ruined by illness or injury. That is responsibility?

  1. “The Constitution set up limited government, families took care of fellow rugged individualists.” Let’s not forget a brutal slavery system that built an economy that dramatically helped the new nation develop. Let’s not forget an Army who “civilized” the West, by killing Native American families so “rugged individuals” could have free farms. Without the U.S. Government, no gold rush, no Manifest Destiny. Rugged individualists had a big ally: the U.S. Cavalry.

  1. “Self-reliance and limited government caused America to flourish.” Has anyone read the Articles of Confederation and how this “experiment” in “limited” government almost got the U.S. back into the British Empire? The truth is government and cooperation have always assisted Americans (except people of color) to realize the American Dream. How could someone declare themselves solely responsible for success when they acquired their land from the Government, developed it with Government aid, and were protected by government troops who stole it?

  1. “Rugged individualism is why the nation prospered and represents a sane relationship with the government.” We live in a nation of over 300 million people. We depend on highways, the internet, electricity, email; etc., to acquire our prosperity (which is narrowing to an aristocratic few). Cooperation and collaberation are how we prosper, and how we prospered in the past. The truth is when individualist GREED dominiates our economy, it has led to slavery, and later recession and depression (witness recent history). Teamwork and cooperation lead to success, not selfishness. Greed is not good.

Mr. Murray and other conservatives repeat the above myths incessantly. The problem is they have no foundation in American history or present reality. They are myths propagated by people who really do not trust a diverse democracy but who hope for a day when the “fittest” can again “take their country back”, and we know who they are talking about.

Shasta County Doom and Gloom Number One

This morning, true to form, your paper hit us with the usual 2nd or 3rd page Associated Press article “Consumer Confidence Sinks”, to make sure it sinks so conservatives can win in 2010. Then, on the opinion page the usual Sowell blather.

And the Letters to the Editor proclaim that Shasta County really isn’t unhappy, unhealthy or broke.

But we are. And we are because of the right wing philosophy that has dominated California since Reagan. We were sold a bill of goods that the New Deal was wrong, that government was bad, and that tax cuts to stimulate the economy were the ONLY WAY to prosperity. More competition, unleash the free market while giving more to the rich and everything will be better. It did not work!

  1. The middle class has been devastated. Before 1980 a single income in a family could provide. Now, if you can get them, multiple low paying jobs for both marriage partners are the norm.
  2. Our health care system ranks below ALL the developed nations on earth. If you are rich (a common theme today) you get the best, if you aren’t, forget it.
  3. Income disparity is the worst since the 20s. Tax cuts have greatly benefited the top 1%, the rest of us are getting poorer. The Middle Class is disappearing.
  4. The prisons in California have become a monster, gobbling up resources and not rehabilitating. We incarcerate more than Russia! We produce criminals now, not products.
  5. Our schools, from K-16 have been reduced to second class status. Prop 13 (anyone ever wonder about the luck in this?) by shifting funding from more stable sources, has tied educational funding to the mercurial state budget that tax cuts, not spending, has destroyed. The 2/3 rule of Prop 13 tied state government in knots. (Another conservative brainstorm).
  6. And now, some radical, treasonous americans (they don’t deserve capital letters) even one congressman condone a terrorist who flew his plane into a building to protest government. Some of these same people erected flags to memorialize thousands who were killed in a similar terrorist attack; what teasonous hypocracy! That’s right, to advocate the violent overthrow of the government in the United States is TREASON; check any loyalty oath we all signed over the past sixty years. The next time some idiot talks about violently destroying our government, remind them they are committing treason.

It didn’t work. It doesn’t work. It won’t work. Sowell and others are lying to you. Turn off the right wing talk, shake your head, and look at the history of the past fifty years. You are getting screwed, and many of you are advocating the very philosophy that causes your pain, has stolen your jobs, and ruined your futures.

Finally, Sowell tries to “con” us into believing that Wall Street isn’t any more greedy than anyone else. What? How about the Enron debacle? How about the bankers of Wall Street whose bonuses rose 17% in 2009! How about Blue Cross, who right now are trying to foist a 39% rate increase on us while reaping record profits?

United We Stand..Divided we...

What a sad time for America when a political party and the conservative movement so hate and disrespect the President they: 1. Encourage schoolchildren to boycott a Presidential address advocating doing your homework. 2. Cheer when the United States fails to get the Olympics. 3. Constantly criticize Health Care Reform when we desperately need it. 4. Stand ready to attack needed changes in foreign policy after squandering trillions in Iraq. 5. Accuse the President of being Hitler and a Socialist at the same time (historically impossible). 6. Attack every move the President makes regarding the economy, accusing him of causing a recession that started in 2008. 7. Rant at deficits, which hit record levels during the previous administration’s folly of fighting two wars while cutting taxes. 8. Acting in disloyal ways, screaming they are patriots, claiming political dissent condones refusing to serve in Iraq because the President was allegedly not born in the United States (a charge that is ridiculous). 9. The Republican Party has been captured by the radical right, whose motto is “the ends justify the means”, moderates are no longer welcome.

At the nine month mark of President Bush’s first term the country had just endured the horror of 9-11. My truck carried a decal promoting unity in our struggle with terrorism. I am a long-time Democrat, and no fan of Bush’s policies. And this was a President remember, who had just been elected with a MINORITY of the popular vote. However, when the nation is in trouble it doesn’t make any difference, we stand together. This does not mean we stifle democratic debate. But starting a campaign in January 2009 to destroy the brand new landside elected administration using any means necessary is NOT patriotism.

Shasta County is in economic trouble. As usual, the recession is hitting harder here. And what do they do? They scream, they demonstrate. They carry flags urging another “tea party”, chant about nonexistent lying, and shout down honest citizens who ask innocent questions. And, they praise comments advocating political terrorism, as if democratic argument is a blood sport.

The facts are we have a long way to go to get out of this mess. No matter what party is in control, we are in trouble in this country. We have allowed our economy to develop generic weaknesses that have resulted in what may well be chronic long-term underemployment. We have ignored a fatal addiction to foreign oil, designing our society with a total disregard of dwindling oil supplies. We have allowed our health care system to become a disaster, dragging down our economy. Finally, our educational system has been ignored, criticized, manipulated for political gain by all sides, to the point where it is faltering.

Meanwhile, California, who has been seen as a trend-setter for the nation, is committing economic suicide because of the rages of a conservative minority who clings to tax cutting as the cure for all the ills of our society, while our schools starve to death, our firemen and police are laid off, and we flat don’t have enough revenue to repair roads that now rank 49th as worst in the nation. The right has run our state into the ditch.

And they do this for the sake of an obsessive goal to win back the White House and the Congress at all costs? They rail they “want our county back”. And if they get their country back, what about the rest of us; are convenient internment camps next?

The radical right did exactly that in Germany in 1933. The first internees in the concentration camps were the “socialists” and those who believed in democracy. Most were never seen or heard from again. The ends of political hegemony justified the means of killing the political opposition. Is this an unfair comparison? History teaches us that it is not. When people scream we want “our” country back it means they are claiming somehow an exclusive ownership, which implies the “others” don’t belong. This directly leads to either sending the “others” out, or eliminating them.

After WWII, our schools taught this basic principle of how political systems go wrong. As a baby-boomer I remember the films and the lectures about what the radical right can do to freedom. The horror of the concentration camps was a lesson about how wrong an ideology can become.

The right wing tendency to somehow “own” or have an ordained right to “our” country, in contrast to everyone else, is a sociological fact that has destroyed democracies throughout history. All that is needed is a scapegoat, illegal immigrants, or “socialists” and the inevitable self-righteous political violence begins. This has and will lead to the fall of democracy.

President Obama’s difficulty in getting a Health Care Bill is because compromise and cooperation are the ONLY way to get bills passed under our Constitution. Without basic cooperation our government ceases to function. This is exactly what the radical right thrives on, discrediting democracy (the end) with the means of obstructionism and criticism of government.

Thanks to the Conservative Right, we are divided and we are falling. The inherent threat they pose to our democracy continues and will intensify unless we stand up and bring rational debate back into our political discussions.

If Not Racism What

I almost did it. A few weeks ago, after one of my letters was published, I was called and invited to a Tea Party Meeting. At the time, knowing I would be outnumbered, I declined. However, as time wore on, and as I thought about our common citizenship and love for this country, I really was considering going to a meeting and at least hearing them out.

Tonight, watching the nightly news, I watched with disgust the report of the first speech of the first national tea party convention. This was the first impression this organization was leaving on the country as it strives for national recognition.

What we saw was a former congressman, who even ran in the presidential primary, use Klu Klux Klan verbiage to talk about the president’s election.

This so called “spokesman” brought up “literacy tests” that were used by racist Jim Crowe election officials in the south to keep American Citizens from voting for nearly 100 years. He sneered that those responsible for electing our President could not read nor could they spell. Then, of course, he spit out the president’s name as a socialist ideologue.

And the crowd cheered! It has been forty-six years since the Civil Rights Act was passed in this country, the Voting Rights Act as well. Both of these laws were bought and paid for with the blood and sweat of many, including Martin Luther King. People died so that an American citizen could simply vote and democracy could live. And the crowd sneered and the crowd cheered.

Enough said, I have heard and seen enough. Regardless of what our patronizing editor writes, the Teaparty is a cover for racism and bigotry. When they say they “want their country back”, they mean the white racists want back in control.

Not me, not this time. We cannot allow this great country to once again slip into bigotry and hate. Too many sacrificed and too many suffered so that people could simply vote. If they vote for someone you don’t like, then you can wait and try to vote in who you like better next time. Why the hate, why the fear?

Fascism grows from hate, fear and scapegoating. Democracy dies when people are afraid and angry and lose faith and trust in the dignity of us all. The Teaparty needs to re- consider their leaders and their message, because they really got off to a bad start!