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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What Are We So Afraid Of?

During the sermon today, which dealt with Palm Sunday of course. I was reminded, by the trials that Jesus went through for us; fulfilling the prophecy by allowing himself to be crucified due to the fear of the "chosen people" (and his disciples as well); of the enormous destructive power of FEAR.

Jesus was crucified because people were afraid of what he preached (and it hurt their greedy profits as well). His "People" actually chose a murderer and terrorist over him, because of fear!

Yesterday, I published a Blog concerning California's Gun Capital: Redding, California.

I am pondering the effects of fear on the decisions of many of my fellow citizens to purchase guns and ammunition at a fever clip. What is sparking this? If you buy a gun, to "defend yourself" what are you afraid of? Redding is not a target shooting mecca, those weapons are bought because of FEAR. FEAR of what?

1. The FEAR that the President will confiscate their guns? This is not credible in any way. It is interesting that the same people who are so afraid of confiscation, also are Tea Party Patriots, who carry copies of the Constitution around. There is simply no way confiscation is going to occur. The Senate cannot even pass an assault weapons ban for God's Sake!

There is no threat, none: except in the propaganda of Fox News and Right Wing Media.

2. The FEAR that parolees, recently released into California communities, will attack us? This is not credible as well, since only non-violent criminals have been released. And, with California's (hated) gun control laws, criminals have a tough time getting guns.

In fact, law abiding citizens in Redding, are way better armed than potential bad guys: except in the propaganda of Fox News and Right Wing Media.

3. The FEAR of minorities, Mexican mafia, Black Panthers; etc? I know this is racist, but racist fear is an enormous factor driving urban fear.

In fact, Redding and Shasta County have nominal minorities at best who are overwhelmingly law abiding. There is no gang activity of any note. In fact, inter-racial violence is practically non-existent: except in the propaganda of Fox News and Right Wing Media.

4. The FEAR of terrorism or Middle Eastern states attacking? The odds of this are many times higher in urban areas, not rural ones. Recently, on Fox News, Lou Dobbs actually warned of an impeding invasion by Iran, which necessitated more gun ownership. Iran does not have a navy! How in the hell are they going to get here?

In fact, there is virtually no chance of a terrorist attack in Redding or Shasta County, none: except in the propaganda of Fox News and Right Wing Media.

5. The FEAR of federal agencies attacking independent patriotic groups, like Waco Texas. This might be valid, except for one fact, there is little evidence that any fringe groups exist in Shasta County and federal Tobacco and Firearm Agents have been emasculated for the past ten years, and do not have the manpower to deal with rural areas like Shasta County: except in the propaganda of Fox News and the Right Wing Media.

The common thread through this, is the last sentence of every section: "propaganda of Fox News and the Right Wing Media".

Conservatives in Shasta County spend hours watching and listening to right wing media. I would bet that Fox News is watched at a much higher percentage in Shasta County households, especially by retired propaganda consumers. "Rush if Right" stickers are prominent on car bumpers.

FEAR works, Joseph Goebbels knew this, Hitler knew it. Jews made up 2% of the German population, but the Nazis used fear and stereotyping to drive the Germans into a genocide that is unmatched in world history. There simply was NO threat to Germany from its Jewish population, none! But, propaganda is a powerful thing, when laced with fear. Fear works!

The main message of the right wing press is FEAR couched in "Fair and Balanced" reporting. And that is right down Shasta County conservatives' fear filled alley!

Be afraid, be very afraid, as you load one more of your arsenal of weapons; ranging from machine pistols to AR-15s. Be afraid, be very afraid of the "feds" and "join the revolution", to protect yourself. People are actually afraid of their own government, when we have a democracy, not a dictatorship. There is absolutely no reason to fear: NONE.

The only thing to fear, is fear itself. FDR said that many years ago, and America responded with ending a depression and winning a war.

And the war was won against states who were using FEAR to motivate. Okinawans actually threw themselves off cliffs, rather than surrender to American troops, because they were afraid the G.I.s would EAT them! That's right, propaganda had instilled so much fear in them, that they committed suicide rather than surrender.

What are you fools so afraid of?


Friday, March 22, 2013

California's Gun Capital

The lead article in San Jose Mercury News, I mean the front page, was "California's Gun Capital".

In one fell swoop, Redding,  California and with it, Shasta County, was relegated to the dust heap of California backwaters, a laughingstock for the entire state!  The article mocks us!

The San Jose Mercury News is the primary source of news for the Silicon Valley, the peninsula, and even parts of San Francisco.  The paper has won a Pulitzer Prize.

And Redding California, thanks to its vice-mayor, Sheriff of Shasta County, and assorted other citizens, has been nominated for the dubious distinction because:  1.  It has 12 times more concealed-weapons permits as are in L.A. County (which has many times the population of Shasta County).  2.  Redding's leadership are unabashed right wingers, some of whom  are gun store owners, and  blatantly use their leadership positions to increase gun sales and drive up their profits.  We used to call people like that violence merchants, or "merchants of death".  We used to not respect gun runners.     3.  The county's gun death rate is significantly higher than California's, and higher than Alameda County (Oakland is in Alameda County!).  Oakland for God's Sake!    4.  75% of gun deaths in Shasta County are suicides.   So buy a gun, stay unemployed, get drugged up and blow your head off!

And finally, the author of the articles introduces Redding and Shasta County as "red Texas county deep in the heart of California".  By the way, the rest of California that has people in it, are blue, Democratic territory, with ethnic diversity.  Redding is far right and white!

Great, just great!  What a boom for the Redding Chamber of Commerce!  What an incentive to attract an innovative, global economy business, with ethnic diversity and gun sanity.

Just imagine, luring technology giants like Apple, or HP to the "Gun Capital of California", that acts like a county in Texas!   And, add to the allure for young families, a concealed weapon rate more than south central L.A., and a gun violence rate higher than Oakland!

Recently, I did a letter to the editor to the Record Searchlight, asking pointed questions about issues surrounding the Turtle Bay Hotel Development.  Specifically, I questioned political motivations behind the quarrel over prevailing wage, and how it played into the Redding Tea Party attempts to control the politics of the city.  It seems to me, the right wingers are trying to use Turtle Bay to make political points.

And now, Patrick Henry Jones, Tea Party extraordinaire,  contributes significantly  to the San Jose Mercury News "California's Gun Capital" article; bragging about his gun sales, bemoaning federal "interference", and even hinting that "revolution" (part of his store's brand) is alive and well in Red Neck Redding.  Next he will be organizing a militia (if he hasn't already)!

This is the deal.  Redding is dead!  Shasta County is dead!  Finished.  This article killed us!

Both have died of moral decay, political radicalism, peppered with bullets.  Anybody in their right mind will stay out of the territory, because literally you risk your life by coming here.

We have allowed a radical, far right wing element, based on self aggrandizing weapons' sales, to take over the town.

And now, the largest newspaper in an area Redding desperately needs to court economically, has run a devastating article that basically says, "Stay away, these guys are nuts".

I have been warning about this crowd for years.  They took what was basic hunting and fishing territory, and have made it into a "join the revolution" mecca; and are running good people away, and  are certainly discouraging sane people to move here.

Would you like to live in the "Gun Capital of California" that has a gun violence rate higher than Oakland, and has more concealed weapons that L.A.?

Oh, we also  have a radio station called "Free Fire Radio".  Unbelievable!

The San Jose Mercury News is screaming---Stay out of Redding, or get the hell out if you happen to think that Westerns were really make believe; and that democracy is still a viable form of self-government.

It's all we needed up here, verification in front of the whole state, that we are a bunch of nuts!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


A response to Tomas Sowell, who declares that "I made it, everyone can make it"......

Your recent article concerning educational opportunity, both yours and the doctor's hit many of the essential elements of public education in America.

Note, I talk about public education, not the privatized nonsense that you otherwise promote all the time.

Yes, there is an element of luck to the educational system in the United States; too much reliance on luck, and not enough on equal opportunity. This is the luck of the lottery winner, the odds just keep getting smaller.

For centuries the United States has mouthed the American Dream "All Men are Created Equal" but have participated in systems of institutionalized racism.

The educational system is not an exception. Educational systems in the United States perpetuate what is becoming a "banana republic" system of opportunity.

Privilege leads to success, not necessarily luck. My Freshman year at Stanford, in 1965, saw me introduced to two characters who changed my outlook on achievement and opportunity forever.

One was Pancho Tremain. His father was CEO of United Press International, at the time the largest news network in the world. Pancho had grown up in Scarsdale New York, was a pure product of privilege. He hated Stanford, and conspired to drop out, in defiance of his father, who was an alum. And he accomplished his goal, skipping classes all year, having girls in our room all the time (I practically moved in with another dorm mate). It took him an entire year to drop out. Stanford desperately kept trying to keep him, no doubt because of the large contributions his father made.

This was a very different Stanford of today. Children of privilege were everywhere.

I was a part Cherokee Native American, on football scholarship, from Redding California, and attended a public school that was average for the time. So, when they taught Socrates in Western Civ., I had no idea what they were talking about, my Preppie friends had been introduced to greek philosophy when they were Freshman in Prep School.

I was lost, I floundered, I struggled. I finally caught up my Sophomore year, learned the code of learning, and flourished.

The other individual I met was Mitt Romney. Romney was a "top boy" in his Prep School. He was a likable person, funny, and very social. He also was involved in his father's fledgling presidential campaign; we talked politics all the time.

I have been a New Deal Democrat since I can't remember, Mitt of course was not. We argued about opportunity, government, and especially about the Vietnam War.

Mitt was an excellent and dedicated student. Pancho was not.

But they both shared a kind of cynicism relative to educational opportunity. They both took it for granted, that everyone could succeed, like their families, regardless of the circumstances. They both took it for granted that individual drive and initiative could overcome everything. They both were delusional.

I knew different. I had come from a much poorer environment, was one of the first members of my half-breed family to graduate from high school, and had seen many of my friends ratholed into lives they simply fell into, with little or no chance for anything else.

In those days that meant working in the woods, because Redding was a logging area. Often this also meant good pay and benefits.

That all ended in 1980, when clear cutting, and overseas milling of lumber won out, and the lumber industry crashed.

And my friends, unlike Mitt and Pancho, had no safety net, became under or not employed for the rest of their lives.

Look, opportunity is not all by chance. There are economic, political and social forces way bigger than an individual, and it sometimes takes more than a good mother to foster success.

And, thanks to the convoluted ideology, you spout constantly from your venue at the top of Hoover Tower, the United States now has the economic opportunity of Bolivia (or close).

There is a public trust, there is a social compact, that can work to afford a chance to everyone. Right now, that does not exist. In 1965 it did not exist either.

The tragedy is today compared to 1965, the chances are even slimmer.

Sent from my iPad

Monday, March 18, 2013

Forty Two Million Gallon a Day

Today, in the San Jose Mercury News, that devotes an entire section to car commuting, there was an article decrying state laws that attempt to reduce C02 content in gasoline.  The article claimed that the science to make a meaningful reduction in C02 in gasoline simply does not exist today.

This means C02 levels in gasoline cannot really be dropped any more, no matter what legislation tries to do.

In the article, it was mentioned that every day Californians use 42 million gallons of gasoline!  That does not include diesel, jet fuel; etc.

Meanwhile, in the Record Searchlight, our right wing press, writes  about the Monterrey Shale deposits, that allegedly contain billions of gallons of oil.  Of course this is oil shale, which means fracking will be necessary to get it  at great cost and danger.

But never fear, pumping millions of gallons of water, laced with cancer causing chemicals, under the artichoke fields of Salinas is totally safe!

And, the deposits sit close to the numerous earthquake faults that criss-cross California.

The writer does make passing mention of the farm land that could be ruined, but doesn't mention the earthquake faults.

There is overwhelming  evidence that fracking has set off earthquakes.  But what is a small shaker in Pennsylvania right?  A 3.0 is no big deal.  California has the same earthquake risk as back east right?  Right?

Wrong, but "what me worry"!

Each family owns what, three point something vehicles?  The average daily commute is 45 miles one way.  We steadfastly denounce trains, buses, and all public transportation.

In  Redding  we are bound and determined to sprawl out even further, foolishly building yet another shopping center north of town, which will make for longer drives, and more than likely will destroy the downtown area; which right now sprawls out ten square miles or so.

The editor of our local paper, did mention that we "need to get started sometime" to conserve and to use clean energy.  But that sometime is way off in the future, now that what  looks like an endless supply of oil and natural gas is available.

Bullshit!  That is right, bullshit.  Fracking is extremely dangerous to the environment, especially in agricultural zones.  Just watch "Gasland".  It would take just one movement of the San Andreas Fault, and that 42 million gallons of gasoline a day won't be needed as much for a long time.

Fracking oil shale is very expensive and has  not yet proven to yield usable quantities of petroleum.  It has worked for natural gas, a different item completely, with unknown long term consequences.  

Moreover, peak oil, still is a valid predictor of total oil reserves.  The deposits of oil shale have been well known for years.  Don't be fooled by the oil companies claiming that these are new discoveries.  Peak oil predictions knew about the "vast oil shale reserves".  They also have known about how expensive and risky it is to extract.      

It is the usable oil yield from the oil shale reserves that is not known.  That is because much of the oil shale yields a crude oil that has molecular deposits of minerals that no refining process known to date can eliminate.  In short, you might be able to frack it out at great cost, but it is useless.  And, in many cases, the carbon content of the shale oil is extraordinarily high, yielding even more C02 when it is burned, which is again unsustainable.  And, fracking is enormously expensive, needs vast amounts of water, and uses chemicals that are quite simply poisonous.  

Look, the era of cheap energy (except for wind and solar) is over, done, finished.  While we celebrate foolishly the "discovery" of oil shale we ignore that gas prices are going up, and up, and up.  The clever ruse of the oil companies has worked! 

The key, here, is the 42 million gallons of gas.  The key  is with this" boom", has anyone noticed the price of gasoline going down?

The oil companies have known about these deposits for fifty years or so.  They did not have the technology to get at them before,  because it was TOO EXPENSIVE.  

Get it, TOO EXPENSIVE to extract.  And too dangerous!  So now, conveniently, the oil tycoons are betting that Americans, to feed their 42 millions gallons a day habit (in California only), will pay higher and higher prices, at higher and higher risks to the environment,  adding to climate change; that could  kill us all in the end.

And, even with shale oil, the demand still  is far exceeding the supply,  when you figure in overseas gasoline  use as China and India join the American mindless automobile commuter culture.

Oil companies do not care!  That's right, hey don't care one bit how much they gamble with our children's future.  They are selling a lie to us, that fracking is our salvation, and what stands in the way of prosperity are, guess who, those mean old environmentalists and progressives who smell a rat.

There is a way out of this trap.

The key here is we must conserve, we must NOW begin changing  our transportation habits,  both freight and passenger, back to the rails.  We must tax multiple car ownership and yes, tax ourselves out of our cars to a certain extent.  Using 42 million gallons of gas a day is simply unsustainable.  If we, as consumers, cut that use, and pay for better public transportation, the oil companies will lose (for once).  Oil companies, in spite of their warm and fuzzy ads, are NOT YOUR FRIENDS!

Oh, I almost forgot, it was over 100 degrees in parts of Texas today, March 18!  We had the warmest year in   human history last year, and expect more of the same.  And yet,  the editor of our local right wing paper, declares that we must frack our way to prosperity, driving C02 levels even higher, using up petroleum even faster, and driving right over the cliff.

Forty two million gallons a day!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

We All Lose In The End

This piece is a reaction to columnist Dan Walters, who wrote that Americans are indeed sticking to their cars, but are not fixing the roads, and that trains are a bad idea. He is wrong of course, as are most of us. You might read up on the Mayan, the Inca, the Aztec, the Egyptian civilizations and what drove them to ruin: resources drying up and not adapting in time. We had plenty of time to adapt to peak oil, we have chosen to listen to greedy oil companies rather than to common sense, and so our very survival is threatened:

You are right and wrong about "We'll stick to our cars". You are right, that with present leadership and "conventional reality" we are doomed to stick with our cars.

You are right that after WWII, actually before it, Americans had a "can do" spirit, and committed billions of dollars to infrastructure building; dams, electrical grids, roads, canals; etc.

Then 1970 hit, and Prop 13, and

We have "enjoyed" conservative leadership for over forty years; our roads are ruined, the electrical grid outdated, and we persist in our reliance on auto transportation. And heaven forbid, we won't tax ourselves to fix anything.

In the 1960s millions of rail workers were laid off, passenger trains were mothballed, as we moved transportation to the interstate freeway system. And why not, oil was plentiful and cheap, we had just discovered that the Middle East had lakes of it, so we junked our trains and moved into our cars.

We built our suburbs, miles from downtown. We even moved freight to the highways, costing more to move, but faster.

And about 1979 or so, a oilman wrote a little known essay on "Peak Oil". He had the audacity, since challenged many times, to postulate that we will run out of oil sooner rather than later. And EVERY prediction he made has been right on!

Sweet crude is what he was talking about; not the impurity laden crap that is now the promise of tar sand fracking. Refinable oil reserves are now less than 50% in the world, and dropping fast.

Meanwhile, the world copied us. So the demand for what is left of sweet crude, has skyrocketed. And the price has increased in some cases a hundred fold.

So, we are running our of oil. Fracking is developing lots of natural gas, but the oil that can be refined to run cars, jets, and trains; not much developed so far; and very expensive.

And the tar sands: much of that oil has impurities in it of a molecular level that is not refine able, and will ruin an engine if used.

So, we are running out of oil. And, it looks like we are making the huge mistake of staying in our cars, decrying bullet trains as folly; and will suffer what all civilizations have in past when an essential resource "suddenly" runs out: ruin, devastation, war, death.

We should have started in 1980, moving back to the rails, building efficient mass transportation, taxing people out of their cars, and conserving oil, a wonderful, light energy source. We didn't, in fact we haven't really started yet!

Your are right Dan, conventional wisdom wins again, and we all lose in the end.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Ode to a Hoover Fellow

What follows is a response to a Sacramento Bee Article written by a "Hoover Institute Fellow" in response to usual poorly researched, propaganda B.S., that flows out of that Fallis shaped edifice like lava....geese what a metaphor!

Just once, just once could you climb down from Hoover Tower...or jump maybe, and provide a well researched and vetted piece of academic work, not the partisan crap you passed off for an article in the Bee today?

You attack legislators for visiting a successful (oops it can't be successful it has government around it) educational approach in Long Beach because of the cost.

Then, unbelievably you actually seem to tout that lobbyists' spending is vital to embellish lawmaker's knowledge (and pocketbooks)!

The mess we have with outright bribery by lobbyists is good? What? Where is your evidence? You know...proof?

Next, you list other "examples", that any 12th grade Civics student could do, of the breakdown of big government (I think). You actually have the gall to include Modesto, with its housing bubble meltdown, Prop 13 starved local government, and high unemployment rate.

You are implying that big government did that? Really...really?

Ok, that's are a Hoover Fellow!

I dare you...I dare you to publish or refer me to a body of work, you know RESEARCH backed by empirical evidence, that PROVES (I went to Stanford, so walk north west from the Tower and visit the Engineering Department for advice), that the limited government ideology of the Hoover Institute works.

President Hoover never forgave Franklin Roosevelt for being right about the Great Depression. He, and others "never give in to reality and science" types, set up the Hoover Institute, that should be studying issues of War and Peace; not right wing economic nonsense, to prove that he really was right after totally failing as President.

Now, the Hoover Institute churns out revisionist history, backed by nonsense, that the New Deal actually caused the Great Depression! Or, that the New Deal lengthened the Great Depression. Or, that the New Deal really didn't happen at all ....look I can see Alaska from my house!

When I was an undergraduate, I used to look at the phallic symbol looming in the sky, and think, "Poor loser". We laughed at Hoover then, I pity him now.

So, bring out the studies that prove, oh let's try: that Prop 13 revitalized California's economy....Or, that the Housing Bubble of 2003-2008, thanks to George W. Bush's "ownership society" de-regulations, actually helped the economy.

Or, that the law and order "reforms" of 1970-1999 actually reduced violence and provide a safer urban society today (you evidently don't think Oakland is there yet). Please include the government spending explosion that led to California being one of the most incarcerated places on earth.

I would suggest you apply Poverty rate statistics, unemployment, foreclosures, health care rates, distribution of wealth data; etc. You know, Hoover Fellow, use facts!

Of course you won't, because, surprise, the limited government crap you dish out every day, from the Hoover edifice, is just that...crap!

What do you do all day anyway? While you lambast "full time legislatures", as if a part time government could govern a state of millions, what do you produce?

I am betting you confer with others who agree with you, who don't bother to look at the overwhelming empirical, quantifiable, statistical evidence that proves the limited government, free market ideology simply DOES NOT WORK!

The idea behind Political Science, that you obviously hate, is that social, economic and political human behavior can be studied like Anthropology, or Biology. And, there are empirical standards, if you will, upon which a better government can be built. This requires study, of present realities, and past history. From this study, (why am I telling a Hoover Fellow this?), political decisions can more accurately be know, "Public Policy"!

In effect, ideology does not drive public policy formation, rather, science does. And gee whiz, it actually works.

But that is not the reality at the good ole Hoover Institute is it? Nope, ideology drives public policy formation. Research is designed to not quantify but to manipulate public opinion. Public policy is not a product of process, it is a product of propaganda.

That is what you do!

Finally, I was one of those Political Science graduates you seem to complain about. I find it interesting that employers are not hiring them, while raping us with a lobbyist system, that in the guise of pluralism (look it up) simply bribes its way to more profits, more income inequality, and builds an aristocratic state.

You work near one of the greatest research Universities on the planet, in a den of ideological vipers (Biblical reference), and your fellow...fellows provide ideology and propaganda (Fox News) rather than science to back up what is actually a decade long apology for the mistakes of one of the most vilified Presidents in our history!

Oh, you also worked for Wilson, whose anti-immigration public "policy" has landed the Republican Party a permanent minority status in California politics.

Good job. If you worked for me, with that success record, you would be making room for some of those Political Science graduates who nobody will hire right now. How can somebody do nothing, contribute nothing to the body politic and make money at it?

And THAT, my kind Hoover "Fellow", is the real tragedy!

Sent from my iPad

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Here's to the Lazy Reporter!

An open letter to a "journalist":

Where do we start? How about years of claiming the President was born in Kenya? How about years of comic book drawings, depicting the President's wife as a "bubble butt"? How about years of snide comments that "he is Un-American , or he is a nazi, or he is not one of us"; it goes on and on.

And then the sequester.. Why not explain the history behind it? It was part of a deal, to desperately stop the government from refusing to pay its bills, which would have sparked a full blown depression. Remember...oh that's right, journalists don't remember anymore.

There are assholes (there a foul word) in this country, conservatives (another foul word), who are obsessed with "getting" the "black bastard" (as my con friends so delicately say) AT ALL COSTS!

And you get your pants in a knot, when staffers in the White House get upset. And then you have the audacity to compare this White House to Nixon's.


Bullshit. It is all bullshit. The American people are plenty mad alright, at YOU. The idiotic, non working, lazy ass press, who leaves real investigative reporting to John Stewart for Christ's sake.

The only place I can get any investigation of the mess we have right now, is on a comedy show! And he makes fun of lazy journalists all the time.

How much by the way does MSNBC pay you for your five minute spots? How much work goes into that? You say about five words and get paid probably ten thousand bucks. That money could feed a family in poverty for months!

Woodward did the nation a huge service many years ago. He took risks, and investigated. He got off his butt and went out and interviewed people. He was really threatened then..He is too old now, he needs to retire.

And so Woodward had his "feelings hurt", because someone disagreed with his lack of investigating (he is too damn old to do what he does anymore and doesn't investigate anything), and called him on it.

It is all part of the game you are all playing back there, and getting rich off it.

It is all part of the game the health care monopoly is playing too, and getting rich off it...Everyone is getting rich, except the rest of us!

The sequester was part of a deal to keep America paying its bills, and not defaulting. Without it, we were going to default, and ruin the damn economy. The sequester was a gimmick to get people to negotiate...I know that and I have never investigated anyone. I just REMEMBERED!

But I worked in America's schools for thirty five years. I went into hell holes for homes, dealing with six year olds who hid underneath desks because they were getting abused at night at home. I dealt with the part of America that you are afraid to drive into. I got paid a little for it, but now "investigating journalists" like you, write articles that the problems of education are cause by lazy teachers, by bad old unions, as Rome burns.

And the Party that put us into that position sure as hell are not the Democrats.

Finally, it took one investigating journalist (one of the few left), doing a expose on the health care cabal in Time Magazine, to uncover the monopolistic, ruinous health care greed merchants, who are bankrupting our country. The President said it in his last press conference, "The greatest source of the deficit (over thirty years by the way) are health care costs". You should have written your article on why he said that. You could have investigated what is the source of the deficit. You could have been a journalist.

But no, you investigate what an old man whines about. You say it is why people are mad at Washington; that the White House are meanies. And you, and your ilk do what, why you sit and whine that that mean old White House is cussing at you. We're mad at Washington all right, we are mad at lazy jerks, who pull down huge salaries, for doing nothing!

Try doing your job for once. Get off your ass (I am not talking about the Senate) and get out of your nice office, and give us some investigating on what is really screwing this country up. Quit collecting that nice fat paycheck from MSNBC and try going out into the country and LOOK AT IT!

We are in deep shit my friend. This country is in real trouble. The guy in the White House gets it. The rest of you are so busy getting rich off it, you don't want to notice.

I did more for this country in one week, than you have done in your whole career!

Sent from my iPad