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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Here's to the Lazy Reporter!

An open letter to a "journalist":

Where do we start? How about years of claiming the President was born in Kenya? How about years of comic book drawings, depicting the President's wife as a "bubble butt"? How about years of snide comments that "he is Un-American , or he is a nazi, or he is not one of us"; it goes on and on.

And then the sequester.. Why not explain the history behind it? It was part of a deal, to desperately stop the government from refusing to pay its bills, which would have sparked a full blown depression. Remember...oh that's right, journalists don't remember anymore.

There are assholes (there a foul word) in this country, conservatives (another foul word), who are obsessed with "getting" the "black bastard" (as my con friends so delicately say) AT ALL COSTS!

And you get your pants in a knot, when staffers in the White House get upset. And then you have the audacity to compare this White House to Nixon's.


Bullshit. It is all bullshit. The American people are plenty mad alright, at YOU. The idiotic, non working, lazy ass press, who leaves real investigative reporting to John Stewart for Christ's sake.

The only place I can get any investigation of the mess we have right now, is on a comedy show! And he makes fun of lazy journalists all the time.

How much by the way does MSNBC pay you for your five minute spots? How much work goes into that? You say about five words and get paid probably ten thousand bucks. That money could feed a family in poverty for months!

Woodward did the nation a huge service many years ago. He took risks, and investigated. He got off his butt and went out and interviewed people. He was really threatened then..He is too old now, he needs to retire.

And so Woodward had his "feelings hurt", because someone disagreed with his lack of investigating (he is too damn old to do what he does anymore and doesn't investigate anything), and called him on it.

It is all part of the game you are all playing back there, and getting rich off it.

It is all part of the game the health care monopoly is playing too, and getting rich off it...Everyone is getting rich, except the rest of us!

The sequester was part of a deal to keep America paying its bills, and not defaulting. Without it, we were going to default, and ruin the damn economy. The sequester was a gimmick to get people to negotiate...I know that and I have never investigated anyone. I just REMEMBERED!

But I worked in America's schools for thirty five years. I went into hell holes for homes, dealing with six year olds who hid underneath desks because they were getting abused at night at home. I dealt with the part of America that you are afraid to drive into. I got paid a little for it, but now "investigating journalists" like you, write articles that the problems of education are cause by lazy teachers, by bad old unions, as Rome burns.

And the Party that put us into that position sure as hell are not the Democrats.

Finally, it took one investigating journalist (one of the few left), doing a expose on the health care cabal in Time Magazine, to uncover the monopolistic, ruinous health care greed merchants, who are bankrupting our country. The President said it in his last press conference, "The greatest source of the deficit (over thirty years by the way) are health care costs". You should have written your article on why he said that. You could have investigated what is the source of the deficit. You could have been a journalist.

But no, you investigate what an old man whines about. You say it is why people are mad at Washington; that the White House are meanies. And you, and your ilk do what, why you sit and whine that that mean old White House is cussing at you. We're mad at Washington all right, we are mad at lazy jerks, who pull down huge salaries, for doing nothing!

Try doing your job for once. Get off your ass (I am not talking about the Senate) and get out of your nice office, and give us some investigating on what is really screwing this country up. Quit collecting that nice fat paycheck from MSNBC and try going out into the country and LOOK AT IT!

We are in deep shit my friend. This country is in real trouble. The guy in the White House gets it. The rest of you are so busy getting rich off it, you don't want to notice.

I did more for this country in one week, than you have done in your whole career!

Sent from my iPad

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