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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hypocrisy Anyone

Finally the Senate Republicans are caught on the hypocrisy of their own making.

While Tea Baggers all over the nation have attacked the Obama Administration for being too lenient with the "mean old bankers" and Republicans "acted" like they could not wait to "shut banks down don't bail them out", the financial reform issue has smoked out their hypocrisy.

The truth is Republicans are Wall Street. Tea Baggers are their water carriers.

Those Tea Baggers who honestly thought the Republican Party wanted to even consider reforming the Wall Street gamblers who ruined millions must be a little shaken today.

The Republicans are blocking even debating the financial reform package pending in Senate. At the same time this stalling tactic is enforced, thousands of lobbyists form business interests have descended on the Congress, to stop any meaningful reform.

Everyone, from the Chamber of Commerce to USAA Insurance has an "objection" to consumer protection reforms. This translates into, "We want the present system that allows the rich to get richer and punishes the middle class" to stay in existence.

Those fools, and they are fools, of the middle class, who joined the tea baggers, should be able to see the con that victimizes them.

Of course, they don't. Why not?

Look at Arizona. Recently, and disgracefully, the state passed what must be defined as a racist, hateful bill on immigration. The same people who decry big government, and lobby for "liberty" from government intrusion into our lives, passed a hateful bill that allows the police to racially profile and stop anyone without probably cause, force them to show papers, and if they are not produced, arrest and detain.

When challenged with the questionable constitutionality of this law, the right wingers respond that they would not be bothered if ALL citizens, not just "true Americans" (whatever that is) should not be bothered by the police stopping them and checking their "papers".

That folks is Big Brother Government at its worst. That is the first step to true tyranny.

If the United States is ever attacked again by terrorists, and the odds are it will be, what is keeping Arizona Police from stopping everybody with black hair for example, and detaining them under this new law? Are Arizona citizens now required to carry their passports?

Hypocrisy is running rampant in the conservative movement this morning. While the Senate grills those who profited hugely by the Wall Street con, Arizona cons pass a bill that grows government to a size and power unheard of in our country.

And behind it all? Racism.

It is no accident that white supremacists helped write the Arizona law. And, it is no accident that right wing lawyers stand to gain financially. That is how it works as a country veers toward fascism. Right wingers pass laws that take civil rights away, and profit from it.

Nazi Germany was a radical example. Nazi leaders profited from the scapegoating and later killing of the Jews. Personal profit was definitely a motivating factor. This horror went to such lengths that murdered Jews were even "harvested" for their gold teeth.

This is where it can get. That is where we are pointed.

And, in November polls show more Republicans will be elected to continue the con, continue the fraud, continue the rip-off.

You can hear the hypocrisy!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

America Land of the Free Home of the ????

Fox News is trumpeting the latest poll showing the smallest percentage in 50 years who trust their government. Nice.

This of course fits into their mold of depicting the Obama administration as corrupt, out of touch and the originator of the recession we still are working through. Tea Baggers even carry signs calling the recession Obama's Recession!

What? Are the American people so stupid that they forget when this mess started, and who started it? Every analysis I have seen of any validity, directly places the blame for the recession on the de-regulation of the home mortgage industry, and the financial wall street gambling cabal.

President Obama had nothing to do with it. The Republicans, who controlled the government for eight years, I don't count the two years they "lost Congress", sold us out to lobbyists and to wall street con artists. That is simply a fact.

Now, the Republican Party has "created" the Tea Party movement, in a ridiculous attempt to again change history.

And, judging from the latest poll, if polls are go be believed, they are actually succeeding.

What I think the poll shows is a disgraceful failure of us, the American people, to GROW UP.

We are at the core the reason for the mess we are in. We have lived on cheap credit, gone farther and farther into debt, and have rewarded politicians who have promised to cut taxes, raised spending, and conned us into believing it would all work out!

We also have stood idly by while millions of jobs were outsourced, unions were destroyed, and fellow Americans' dreams smashed.

In the last twenty years the middle class has dwindled, the rich have gotten richer, and we still whine about the government.

The government did not do this to us. We have listened to snake oil salesmen, who con us over and over to trust THEM while they cut our throats. Then, rather than admit we have been fooled, we blame the President?


Look, try this on for size: We need to pay for what we want. If we want Social Security and Medicare and Health Care Reform, and fighting two wars, and saving the world...and..and...then we need to PAY FOR IT!!!!

In California right now we have lived with the con that government is the problem, that we need to cut it, cut taxes but meanwhile we raise spending by "charging it" to future generations. Taxes will hurt our grandchildren, or somebody else...not me..I want mine now, and I won't share. But, I want smooth highways, police and fire protection, and good education for my grandkids...but let's pass a bond, or get a loan, anything but pay for it.

Grow up! It is time to become ADULTS! WE got into this mess. WE continue to listen to hucksters who con us over and over that we can have small government to run a nation of over 300 million people, with a multitude of races, many languages, poverty on a huge scale, the need for national defense because we have pissed off the world; etc.

We actually believe peace and prosperity can be accomplished with a government that lets corporations do anything they want, cuts taxes even more, and helps our economy just how exactly? OH, I KNOW, CUT TAXES AND ALLOW THE MIRACLE OF THE AMERICAN FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM TO BRING US ALL TO THE AMERICAN DREAM JUST LIKE THEY HAVE SINCE 1980!!

But this hasn't worked. Every time it has failed, and ordinary Americans have suffered.

Listen closely, big business are almost all now multi-nationals. They have no allegiance to the United States. They do not care about you. If gas goes up so you can't afford to drive to buy food they don't care. If the unemployment rate stays at 12%, they don't care.

Markets are exploding in China and India. The multi-nationals do not need our middle class anymore to fuel global economic expansion. They don't!

So that leaves us on our own. If we continue this madness, of blaming our government and not trusting it, and depending on the same old solutions of cutting taxes to stimulate the economy, we lose. And we lose big time.

Look in the mirror America. The government is not the problem...we are!

How do we start? Well, the first thing we do is start caring about our neighbors who have lost their jobs and soon will lose their house. We need to eliminate the idiotic tax breaks and tax cuts for all of us. We need to use government to help us out of this mess, and yes, even use government to build some kind of job base doing green jobs, forest reclamation and solar development. We also need to revitalize our railroads, nationalize the rail beds (not the private companies), and rebuild our train infrastructure .

And we need to take care of our own. Tariffs or taxes on multi-nationals will drive up prices, but that is actually what we need!

We are all spending our way into oblivion. So what if we have to "save" to buy that I-Pad, and not purchase it until next Christmas. So what if we have to put off our immediate gratification and pay more taxes so our society does not implode.

So what if we have to start paying as we go, fix social security and Medicare, so our children can have them. So what if we actually make the new Health Care Reform work.

This will all take sacrifice and service to our country.

I wonder how many of our servicemen mis-trust their government while they are in harm's way?

And, what happens if the nay sayers win. We get Republicans and they give us what we already got in 1994, a lot of hot air, no reform, and a lot of sell out of the middle class.

Don't believe me. Look at EVERY INDICATOR of the middle class in 1993 and today. Every one has declined.

In short, if we get conned again, there will be NO middle class anymore, and we are looking at aristocracy.

So grow up, home of the "brave" and save and sacrifice. Pay your damn taxes and participate by voting and give a damn about your country.

Your country is your government for God's Sake! Grow up America!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Baggers Continue

I live in a small town. We have a small newspaper, part of the Scripps Chain, that has been conservative for many years. The county of Shasta is a conservative one, having been Democratic after the war, but shifting right after the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The main reason this occurred, is that Shasta County is very white, rural, and is threatened by imaginary minorities who practically do not exist in the county.

The amazing thing is the Central Valley Project has several large dams in the county, that has provided employment and recreation for nearly 70 years. Moreover, Redding is the county seat, with government employment making up nearly 30% of the work force. But the in political thing is to hate government.

Lately, the local paper has decided to actively push the Tea Party's Agenda. Today, for example, the front page of the paper was devoted to celebrating the political clout the Tea Party has now in local politics.

The Tea Party, although considered a splinter conservative and barely Republican movement in most of the country, is considered now a mainstream political entity in Shasta County. The radical right wing positions that are propagated are seen as "interest in local politics", and "refreshing to local politicians" by our local newspaper.

Of course, the fact that the paper is a sounding board for conservative nonsense is "quite coincidental", there could not be a connection. In fact, the connection is obvious in that the paper is pushing the radical conservative agenda down everyone's throats.

The effect of this right wing movement is that progressives are leaving the town. Moreover, businesses that considered moving into the area, are discouraged by the conservative rage that is constantly in evidence.

This is really a tragedy, given that Shasta County could be a real hotbed of solar energy development (sunshine is a constant here).

But, to bring families into this conservative "Eden" is problematic. All government is constantly under attack. Educational institutions are attacked because teachers are some of the best paid employees in the county (I am not kidding).

It has become so bad, that now city counsel members are being identified by party label (all Republicans save one). What used to be a "non-partisan" office has become partisan.

This has resulted in a "growth policy" that of late is pushing a "big box" development north of town along I-5. A couple years ago, I kid you not, the same "pro-growth" forces almost got an "auto-mall" approved in south Redding. This would have been a disaster, given economic developments of late. Meanwhile, the retail vacancy rate in the town is at record levels for vacancies. Our beloved conservative wing-nut mayor recently traveled to Washington D.C. seeking funding for the "Big Box" development, with his trip being paid for by the prospective developer!

Amazingly, he saw nothing wrong with this obvious conflict of interest, but did give the money back and use city funds once he was "discovered". True to good conservative principles, this bribery was depicted as "pro-business" and good for the economy. Amazing!

There is much evidence that a regressive growth policy is being foisted on the area by conservative ideologues. This has resulted in NO growth, an unemployment rate far in excess of California's, and a misery index that is off the scale. The fools just keep building empty buildings, to satisfy the conservative "Builders' Exchange", with no employment or positive growth even hinted at.

Meanwhile, the paper continues to push anti-education, anti-labor, anti-everything, and gleefully celebrates the Tea Party as a positive political entity.

Every once in a while, there is a serious racial incident, but Redding is touted as a "No Racism" town. Nothing could be further from the truth.

So, Redding and Shasta County slide further into economic collapse, with radicals running the show.

Isn't it grand?

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Bookstore

Today I stuck another dagger into our troubled economy. I downloaded a book to my Kindle!

This all took about one minute: that is one minute from its inception (deciding to purchase the book based on an article I was reading on my Kindle) to its culmination, ordering the book and having it delivered to my Kindle. One minute!

Why does this activity damage the economy? Think about it.

These are the economic consequences of my technological activity. First, I did not drive to the bookstore, so did not burn any gas nor buy any. This is a negative and a positive for the economy, save gas a positive, not buy from a bookstore a big negative.

All the employees at the bookstore, from the publisher to the clerk lost. By not buying a classic paper based book, many employees were affected, from the logger who fells the trees to the clerk who would take my money for the transaction.

The book itself, being electronic, cost about half what a hardbound (or paperback) would cost; roughly a $20.00 hardbound book costs $10.00 on the Kindle. I save $10.00, many others lose!

This took roughly $10.00 out of the economy; unless I decide to spend the $10.00 savings on something else, which I did not.

Plus, I did not pay sales tax on the book. This cost my state about $.70. Currently my state, like many others, is cutting teachers, closing schools and laying off state workers. This is all happening while the Conservatives have so demonized taxes that politicians dare not raise them.We are literally throwing our children’s education out to placate anti-tax fervor which is destroying our economy. Every dollar of a laid off teacher’s salary takes many more out of the economy, just as my savings on a book takes money out of the economy.

Anti-tax conservatism is what is killing the economy, NOT government spending or taxation.

Will this technological effect stop? It will not, given the advent of the I-Pad in a couple days. In fact, the negative effect on the economy will only increase.

Technology has always displaced workers. The Industrial Revolution, in only a hundred years, radically changed “developed nations” economies from agrarian to factory based, with huge transitions that directly and indirectly led to two world war catastrophes. The stresses of industrialization caused the conflict between fascism and communism that nearly ended the world, and still threatens us all.

So, what do we do about this? Do we continue to muse about how interesting this all is, and do nothing, risking another catastrophe? Did we not learn anything the last time?

I suggest the following? Get ready, my conservative friends, because government is involvedand must be a major part of the solution.

We need begin by taxing internet commerce. It is crazy to not enforce the laws we already have to tax the internet. And, we should do it nationally. Attempting to tax locally or by state is crazy, it can’t be enforced. Servers are literally sprinkled all over the place, determining which state the transaction actually occurs within is impossible.

So try a “value-added” tax on ALL internet transactions. This rate need not be particularly high, say 5%, should do it. But, every transaction, not just sales, needs to have this tax on it. This includes transactions from other countries. Yes, it sounds like a tariff.

As I write this, “Good Morning America” is broadcasting a report how Americans are overpaying property taxes. This is reinforcing the myth, that Americans are somehow overtaxed. This is simply not true. Every survey and study shows that in fact, Americans are not overtaxed. What we are is unfairly taxed. The tax codes have been so politicized that that basic progressive fairness has been lost in a myriad of tax breaks, concessions to corporate power; etc.

Because of the unfairness, the Federal Deficit is large and getting out of control. Unfortunately most Americans focus on reducing spending, ignoring the fact that almost 80% of the federal budget is NOT discretionary. If we add to that military spending the figure is over 90%.

That means we can’t reduce the deficit through spending cuts without drastically harming our country. The only way is to increase revenue. That means more taxes! The trick is making them fairer and broader at the same time. Taxing the internet would be a great start.

We all continue to dodge taxes in multiple ways, and we weaken the economy and weaken ourselves. Internet commerce, led by zealots like Meg Whitman who as C.E.O. of E-Bay refused to cooperate with California State Tax Franchise officials, to even divulge who E-Bay’s customers were, has enjoyed special status for years as a “new business model” and exempt from taxes to encourage the innovation. This innovation is now over ten years old!

Internet commerce is no longer a “new business type”. In short, the internet business model no longer needs any protection from taxation. It is well established and a large part of the world economy.

So, tax it. Start thinking of our deficits, both locally and nationally, as not just products of the recession but as products of outdated and inadequate revenue sources.

In a sense, we are trying in the new health insurance reform law, to address this revenue problem. Health care has been grossly unfair in the way it raises revenue. A huge proportion of the population was left with no health care at all, while the majority paid outlandish insurance premiums to a “for profit” system.

We did the same thing we are doing now with tax reform, we allowed special interests who would be minimally harmed by tax changes to dictate to the rest of us. For example, recently in the press major corporations announced startling bookkeeping deficits supposedly caused by the new Health Care Reform Law. What they did was to “book” losses they projected years in the future caused by their losing tax breaks for providing health insurance to their employees and retirees. The truth is these will be offset by government subsidies and new tax advantages in the reform legislation. In an amazing show of contempt for the rest of us, these corporations were attempting to scare us with potential adverse effects from LOSING AN UNFAIR TAX CUT that is more than offset by other tax advantages in the new law.

Incredibly, the “fat cat” corporations want their cake and eat it too, twice! This arrogance and avarice is killing us. We simply cannot sustain allowing corporations to pay less tax than a mom and pop convenience store in Texas. The unfairness is beyond belief.

This resulted in a Health Care “system” that was, and is, unsustainable. The truth is, my fellow conservatives, taxes will have to be raised anyway, WITH the new law! This will have to occur because we were in fact, underfunding the health care system in the past. The difference is the new system makes the funding much fairer. Rich corporations and the wealthy were getting huge tax advantages with the old system, not paying their fair share of Medicare taxes for example, while the middle class and the poor suffered with rising costs or no health coverage.

In a real sense, it surely is a redistribution of wealth, from the rich to the poor. However, socialism it most assuredly is not! This, by the way, is the real reason rich Republicans are so angry with the new law, because they are losing some of their special tax status.

Of course, they are so rich anyway, that the loss is minimal. None of them will suffer any drop in standard of living, in fact the “hit” has been blunted so much, that further tax increases in the future are probably necessary on the rich, corporations, AND the middle class to keep the health reform going.

Remember, President Bush’s tax cut is STILL in effect, which has been a huge windfall for the top 1% of the this country, and is not scheduled to expire until next year. President Obama did not attempt to stop them, because of the myth that maybe even he has swallowed, that taking away the tax cuts would somehow further damage the economy. There is no empirical evidence that this has happened or will happen.

Wait a minute, my conservative friends will say, what about the 70s and the Reagan miracle that revitalized the economy?

There is no empirical economic data that proves the Reagan tax cuts sustained the economic growth of the past thirty years. In fact, that growth merely continued in the same pattern from 1945 to 2008 regardless of the tax policy of the United States!

What we are discovering, especially in California, is that long term tax cutting and government cutting eventually WILL DAMAGE THE ECONOMY! That’s right, there is a point, and California has reached it, where mindless tax cuts have exactly the opposite effect as intended on the economy. I would propose that we all study California, as a once great state is reduced to third world status, as a PRODUCT of conservative economic policy. The damage to the finest public university system in the world in the past five years will adversely affect California’s economy for decades. I would not be surprised to see wholesale abandonment of California by technological giants like Apple to occur in the next decade, because of the decline in the educated population. . California’s failure is directly linked to the anti-tax madness of the past forty years,not the recession!

Tax cuts, we have found do not stimulate the economy. In fact, in the long term, if they are applied in multiple ways, they in fact have harmed the economy. Surely, they have harmed people, by cutting essential governmental services like education. A huge “underclass” is developing quickly in California, with dramatic effects on the quality of life, safety and security of California citizens.

This must stop. I am sure Amazon, E-Bay and the rest will scream if we tax them. But tax them we must. And, these tax dollars, needs to go to retraining, educating and reinvesting in new economic models that work to make our energy use dramatically more efficient, and our transportation system less costly. And, we need a massive re-education effort, to retrain a generation of Americans who have been displaced by the negative effects of technology on employment.

My little Kindle has cost several people their jobs. I did this, by simply using it the way it was designed, contributing to a shift to a paperless reading environment virtually overnight. As millions follow this lead, we will have massive economic change. Technology is doing the same thing the factories did to farmers in the 1800s, displaced them, unemployed them, and enraged them!

The paradigm has shifted. Regardless of the Conservatives protests, it is not going to shift back.There are three things we cannot really change but only adapt to: 1. Cheap petroleum and coals reserves are finite and running out. 2. Global warming is a reality, and is already modifying our economy. 3. Technology continues to change the world economy in often unpredictable and harmful but irreversible ways.

The only way we can even hope to deal with these monumental changes, is through government to help plan progressively to adapt. Private enterprise cannot do it, because by its nature, self-interest not public interest drives it.

If we do follow the folly of using privatization to deal with this paradigm shift, oligarchy and aristocracy will be inevitable results. This could lead to political conflict and dislocation that will, as in the twentieth century, produce warfare.

In a real sense, we are in the 1930s right now, when the world economy was struggling to adapt finally to the shift from an agrarian culture to an industrial one. Now, in the “post-industrial” world, of digital technology, we again struggle to find our way. The most frightening change is that today, mankind possesses weapons of mass destruction that kill us all if we choose to fight rather than adapt. Or, if we somehow survive that threat, and continue to use fossil fuels as if there was no tomorrow, there won't be one!

So, raise the taxes. Do it in an educated way and fair way, but raise government revenue and then use our democratic system to modify our economic system for the better of not just American citizens, but of the world as well.

It really is the only choice we have.

The Bookstore

Today I stuck another dagger into our troubled economy. I downloaded a book to my Kindle!

This all took about one minute: that is one minute from its inception (deciding to purchase the book based on an article I was reading on my Kindle) to its culmination, ordering the book and having it delivered to my Kindle. One minute!

Why does this activity damage the economy? Think about it.

These are the economic consequences of my technological activity. First, I did not drive to the bookstore, so did not burn any gas nor buy any. This is a negative and a positive for the economy, save gas a positive, not buy from a bookstore a big negative.

All the employees at the bookstore, from the publisher to the clerk lost. By not buying a classic paper based book, many employees were affected, from the logger who fells the trees to the clerk who would take my money for the transaction.

The book itself, being electronic, cost about half what a hardbound (or paperback) would cost; roughly a $20.00 hardbound book costs $10.00 on the Kindle. I save $10.00, many others lose!

This took roughly $10.00 out of the economy; unless I decide to spend the $10.00 savings on something else, which I did not.

Plus, I did not pay sales tax on the book. This cost my state about $.70. Currently my state, like many others, is cutting teachers, closing schools and laying off state workers. This is all happening while the Conservatives have so demonized taxes that politicians dare not raise them. We are literally throwing our children’s education out to placate anti-tax fervor which is destroying our economy. Every dollar of a laid off teacher’s salary takes many more out of the economy, just as my savings on a book takes money out of the economy.

Anti-tax conservatism is what is killing the economy, NOT government spending or taxation.

Will this technological effect stop? It will not, given the advent of the I-Pad in a couple days. In fact, the negative effect on the economy will only increase.

Technology has always displaced workers. The Industrial Revolution, in only a hundred years, radically changed “developed nations” economies from agrarian to factory based, with huge transitions that directly and indirectly led to two world war catastrophes. The stresses of industrialization caused the conflict between fascism and communism that nearly ended the world, and still threatens us all.

So, what do we do about this? Do we continue to muse about how interesting this all is, and do nothing, risking another catastrophe? Did we not learn anything the last time?

I suggest the following? Get ready, my conservative friends, because government is involved and must be a major part of the solution.

We need begin by taxing internet commerce. It is crazy to not enforce the laws we already have to tax the internet. And, we should do it nationally. Attempting to tax locally or by state is crazy, it can’t be enforced. Servers are literally sprinkled all over the place, determining which state the transaction actually occurs within is impossible.

So try a “value-added” tax on ALL internet transactions. This rate need not be particularly high, say 5%, should do it. But, every transaction, not just sales, needs to have this tax on it. This includes transactions from other countries. Yes, it sounds like a tariff.

As I write this, “Good Morning America” is broadcasting a report how Americans are overpaying property taxes. This is reinforcing the myth, that Americans are somehow overtaxed. This is simply not true. Every survey and study shows that in fact, Americans are not overtaxed. What we are is unfairly taxed. The tax codes have been so politicized that that basic progressive fairness has been lost in a myriad of tax breaks, concessions to corporate power; etc.

Because of the unfairness, the Federal Deficit is large and getting out of control. Unfortunately most Americans focus on reducing spending, ignoring the fact that almost 80% of the federal budget is NOT discretionary. If we add to that military spending the figure is over 90%.

That means we can’t reduce the deficit through spending cuts without drastically harming our country. The only way is to increase revenue. That means more taxes! The trick is making them fairer and broader at the same time. Taxing the internet would be a great start.

We all continue to dodge taxes in multiple ways, and we weaken the economy and weaken ourselves. Internet commerce, led by zealots like Meg Whitman who as C.E.O. of E-Bay refused to cooperate with California State Tax Franchise officials, to even divulge who E-Bay’s customers were, has enjoyed special status for years as a “new business model” and exempt from taxes to encourage the innovation. This innovation is now over ten years old!

Internet commerce is no longer a “new business type”. In short, the internet business model no longer needs any protection from taxation. It is well established and a large part of the world economy.

So, tax it. Start thinking of our deficits, both locally and nationally, as not just products of the recession but as products of outdated and inadequate revenue sources.

In a sense, we are trying in the new health insurance reform law, to address this revenue problem. Health care has been grossly unfair in the way it raises revenue. A huge proportion of the population was left with no health care at all, while the majority paid outlandish insurance premiums to a “for profit” system.

We did the same thing we are doing now with tax reform, we allowed special interests who would be minimally harmed by tax changes to dictate to the rest of us. For example, recently in the press major corporations announced startling bookkeeping deficits supposedly caused by the new Health Care Reform Law. What they did was to “book” losses they projected years in the future caused by their losing tax breaks for providing health insurance to their employees and retirees. The truth is these will be offset by government subsidies and new tax advantages in the reform legislation. In an amazing show of contempt for the rest of us, these corporations were attempting to scare us with potential adverse effects from LOSING AN UNFAIR TAX CUT that is more than offset by other tax advantages in the new law.

Incredibly, the “fat cat” corporations want their cake and eat it too, twice! This arrogance and avarice is killing us. We simply cannot sustain allowing corporations to pay less tax than a mom and pop convenience store in Texas. The unfairness is beyond belief.

This resulted in a Health Care “system” that was, and is, unsustainable. The truth is, my fellow conservatives, taxes will have to be raised anyway, WITH the new law! This will have to occur because we were in fact, underfunding the health care system in the past. The difference is the new system makes the funding much fairer. Rich corporations and the wealthy were getting huge tax advantages with the old system, not paying their fair share of Medicare taxes for example, while the middle class and the poor suffered with rising costs or no health coverage.

In a real sense, it surely is a redistribution of wealth, from the rich to the poor. However, socialism it most assuredly is not! This, by the way, is the real reason rich Republicans are so angry with the new law, because they are losing some of their special tax status.

Of course, they are so rich anyway, that the loss is minimal. None of them will suffer any drop in standard of living, in fact the “hit” has been blunted so much, that further tax increases in the future are probably necessary on the rich, corporations, AND the middle class to keep the health reform going.

Remember, President Bush’s tax cut is STILL in effect, which has been a huge windfall for the top 1% of the this country, and is not scheduled to expire until next year. President Obama did not attempt to stop them, because of the myth that maybe even he has swallowed, that taking away the tax cuts would somehow further damage the economy. There is no empirical evidence that this has happened or will happen.

Wait a minute, my conservative friends will say, what about the 70s and the Reagan miracle that revitalized the economy?

There is no empirical economic data that proves the Reagan tax cuts sustained the economic growth of the past thirty years. In fact, that growth merely continued in the same pattern from 1945 to 2008 regardless of the tax policy of the United States!

What we are discovering, especially in California, is that long term tax cutting and government cutting eventually WILL DAMAGE THE ECONOMY! That’s right, there is a point, and California has reached it, where mindless tax cuts have exactly the opposite effect as intended on the economy. I would propose that we all study California, as a once great state is reduced to third world status, as a PRODUCT of conservative economic policy. The damage to the finest public university system in the world in the past five years will adversely affect California’s economy for decades. I would not be surprised to see wholesale abandonment of California by technological giants like Apple to occur in the next decade, because of the decline in the educated population. . California’s failure is directly linked to the anti-tax madness of the past forty years, not the recession!

Tax cuts, we have found do not stimulate the economy. In fact, in the long term, if they are applied in multiple ways, they in fact have harmed the economy. Surely, they have harmed people, by cutting essential governmental services like education. A huge “underclass” is developing quickly in California, with dramatic effects on the quality of life, safety and security of California citizens.

This must stop. I am sure Amazon, E-Bay and the rest will scream if we tax them. But tax them we must. And, these tax dollars, needs to go to retraining, educating and reinvesting in new economic models that work to make our energy use dramatically more efficient, and our transportation system less costly. And, we need a massive re-education effort, to retrain a generation of Americans who have been displaced by the negative effects of technology on employment.

My little Kindle has cost several people their jobs. I did this, by simply using it the way it was designed, contributing to a shift to a paperless reading environment virtually overnight. As millions follow this lead, we will have massive economic change. Technology is doing the same thing the factories did to farmers in the 1800s, displaced them, unemployed them, and enraged them!

The paradigm has shifted. Regardless of the Conservatives protests, it is not going to shift back. There are three things we cannot really change but only adapt to: 1. Cheap petroleum and coals reserves are finite and running out. 2. Global warming is a reality, and is already modifying our economy. 3. Technology continues to change the world economy in often unpredictable and harmful but irreversible ways.

The only way we can even hope to deal with these monumental changes, is through government to help plan progressively to adapt. Private enterprise cannot do it, because by its nature, self-interest not public interest drives it.

If we do follow the folly of using privatization to deal with this paradigm shift, oligarchy and aristocracy will be inevitable results. This could lead to political conflict and dislocation that will, as in the twentieth century, produce warfare.

In a real sense, we are in the 1930s right now, when the world economy was struggling to adapt finally to the shift from an agrarian culture to an industrial one. Now, in the “post-industrial” world, of digital technology, we again struggle to find our way. The most frightening change is that today, mankind possesses weapons of mass destruction that kill us all if we choose to fight rather than adapt. Or, if we somehow survive that threat, and continue to use fossil fuels as if there was no tomorrow, there won't be one!

So, raise the taxes. Do it in an educated way and fair way, but raise government revenue and then use our democratic system to modify our economic system for the better of not just American citizens, but of the world as well.

It really is the only choice we have.