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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Monday, July 31, 2017

George Will Right??

Gee George can you write a little more elitist and sanctimonious?

George Will has won awards for flouting his lexicon all over the place. 

In this case, he is (I think) bemoaning the era of Trump. 

Somewhere in there he, I think (I was flipping open the Dictionary all the time) is saying that electing Trump was a good thing becauses Congress is becoming like Madison (the play?).

Madisonian I think is the term he makes up.  What?

Look, the separation of powers in the Constitutionn is NOT an absolute.  All of the Constitutional guarantees that Will brags about end abruptly when the Idiot in Chief pushes that red button.

It is in foreign policy, not domestic policy, that we are at the most peril.  Will, as usual misses the point (if anyone can decipher his point) of this.  Forget domestic politics, the split in the Republican Party has proven once again that not separation of powers protects us from disaster, the divided Republican Party is sufficient.

No, the real danger in oversees; it is the stupid investment of unbelievable power in the President with NO control over issues of no control.

I was hoping the Russians had bought him off, but Congress just took care of that, voting for sanctions that are veto proof; assuring a confrontation with Putin in the future.

And this will be a confrontation fraught with danger, since Putin still has something on Trump that he will play in the depths of a crisis.

And Trump, the narcisstic lunatic that he is just might decide to end it all and take us with him.

The Reckoning led by Donald Trump?

Jesus was Right!

Pottersville was what Frank Capra called it....the village where the rich amoral banker had taken over; leaving its citizens poor, drunk and broke.

The Great Depression was a massive hit to the wealthy...the roaring Twenties and WWI were blamed on the super rich.

I remember reading comic books about "Richie Rich".  We were taught that rich was dangerous, that you lost your humanity if you became rich.

Of course, it goes further back than this; Jesus preached against the rich, aiming at Jewish Hierarchy (mostly the Priests) who got rich from cooperating with the hated Romans and from swindling the poor through sacrifice scams.

Jesus only went postal once, surprising considering he operated in a Roman dominated dictatorship, at the Jewish Temple, where he physically assaulted the Priests and their scam.

This is a little daunting considering that the Son of Man had the full power of God on his side; he could have evaporated the Temples if he wanted to.

But he did not; he used them to teach that wealth was suspect; that you get as many rich people into heavan as you could get a camel through the eye of a pin.

Today, we worship wealth.  We have elected by far the biggest asshole and the richest President in our history.  We buy tons of electonic devices, post to a Facebook ran by a Trillionaire, and all aspire to become the entrepeneur that hits the jackpot and becomes rich as well.

And the gap between rich and poor widens constantly.  And the homeless grow in numbers.  And our danger of annihilation at the hands of a crazed rich President grow everyday.

Jesus was right; distrust the rich, they hate you!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

It's All a Game??

“I began to realize it was real work. It wasn’t a game,” he said. “The decisions you make are important. The work is important. It affects lives.”  THIS IS A STATEMENT BY A REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLYMAN.

What I have always felt, and this is a stereotype is that Republicans run for office to add to their impress their Rotarian friends, to be part of a club of always adding to their resumes, their position in the corporate business scheme of things.

Most of their votes are self serving in most ways, going with the party line which is easy since the party line ALWAYS benefits business and the corporate bosses and culture.

So they hate liberals...they hate civil rights.  they live in a world of haves and have nots, and always blame the have nots.

This is what you hear right..."The homless are mostly lazy and refuse to work".  "These people are working the system to get welfare"... "Food stamps are a scam...look at all the cheating".

Now they soften their guilt, AND THEY HAVE GUILT, by trooping into mega-churches that are built on anti-abortion zealotry with millions of dollars.  They rail against the lefties who are for killing babies.  This of course ignores the miniscule number of abortions that are done every year.

But to somehow atone for their sell outs and whoring of their social responsiblity, they decide to dictate to others moral imperatives.

So we get the Moral Majority bullshit.  We get the health care crisis because Republicans are always trying to repeal and replace human  compassion with a world of vengence of punishment for being LAZY.

And of course you can never convince them with statistics and science that the vast majority of the unemployed and the poor are there for things beyond their control.  They fret about the "deficit" ALL THE TIME...but relish getting taxes cut for the rich or their interests like it is a game.  It's all a game of screwing government, of destroying unions, of ripping public anything...and for sure not believing in global warming.

Of course, their grandparents as "Make America Firsters", refused to commit the United States to fighting fascism until it was almost too late....putting the world in critical jeapordy and costing 55 millions lives.  The Republicans fought and defeated Wilson by staying out of the League of Nations, missing multiple opportunities to stop Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo. 

Their foolishness and again, selfishness, almost destroyed the world.

And today, what do we see...why.... they elected Trump....who stands at the precipice of already being the worst President we have ever had. 

So now this assemblyman, who is getting slammed by his party for voting for cap and trade and actually believing in global climate change.  This breaks the "code" of the GOP, that it must be one the wrong side of history all the time.

Why are they always wrong...why?  When you represent minority interests, when you believe that you not we count above all else; you do wrong things and think being a legislator is a "game".

WWII was not a game..the Civil War was not a game!  And the GOP is not a game!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

They Cannot Govern

They just cannot govern. 

A few years ago, it was Reagan, he said "The scariest thing to hear is I am from the Government and am here to help"..

The audience then was the Greatest Generation who had lived throught the Great Depression and WWII, and knew better.  But the cost of the war was the big lie that unfortunately both parties has kept away from the American People....

The American People had been sold the lie that the war was paid for with war bonds....not even close.

It took until Reagan's administration to put a dent in the federal deficit that was a direct product of WWII and the rebuilding of Europe with the Marshal Plan.  The 90% Tax on income over some millions for the very rich, was used, along with high income taxes to pay the bill

And Reagan, and other California rich folks, decided enough was enough, and sold the anti-tax propaganda to the public over and over again...and they listened.

We listened and Prop 13 was born, and tax cuts to stimulate the economy...and we had not paid for the Vietnam War yet.

You see wars are expensive.....and they cost lots of money...especially when you fight them wrong (Vietnam) and create a social/economic train wreck.

Think I'm lying?  Look at George W. Bush and Iraq....he lied to get us into that mess, then floated a huge tax cut, following on the Reagan game plan, and splat....2007/08...Great Recession.

They just cannot govern....

It takes government expertise to make this work.  And Trump especially, elected once again with Conservative blowing up in our face. 


Conservatives keep promising results, and now are trying to deliver on repealing the ACA that about 2% of the American People want.

But it will definitely hinder governing; and punish people of color and the poor.

They just cannot govern!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Study Basic Geology!

Right Victor, oh great conservative guru; who doesn't know ANYTHING about geology!

Yes Fracking did result in an oil and gas glut, and predictably encouraged people to buy less gas efficient cars.

But he doesn't explain what fracking really does.  And a glut for a couple months is nothing!

Look, read a damned book!

Peak Oil is still is...what we have done is simply change the bell shaped curve predicting the end of oil to a sharp plunging one.

What we are doing is burning the remaining world reserves as fast as we can thanks to supply and demand and conservative stupidity.

To elect a Trump with an oil man for a Energy Secretary is suicide...If ever we have accelerated a global catastrophe we just did it!!!!!!

When an oil well is first drilled the sweet crude as it is called is in liquid form, surrounding the liquid is shale or oil sands containing the other 50% of the resource. 

Consequently, a sweet oil mine will only yield about 50% of its reserve to direct pumping.  After that, to extract more requires fracking.

Of the remaining 50% only half can be recovered depending on the rock formation.  And the cost to the environment is enormous, resulting often in contaminated drinking water supplies.  Moreover the danger of capped used up drilled mines for the furture is huge.  Hundreds of years from now unsuspecting populations will suddenly start dying as the poisonious fracking wells leach into drinkiing water. 

What is absolutely true is the reserve fracking gets is ALREADY figured into he oil reserves that prompted the peak oil scenerio.  In short back in the  90s the world's absolute reserves were well known.  What was not known was the manner that more of the oil and gas could be extracted.

For example, natural gas was being burned then as a junk byproduct of oil drilling...Literally billions of tons of natural gas were burned off into the atmosphere (inceasing global warming).    This wasted energy was not figured into peak oil. 

Look, it is a FINITE resource.  And it is a FINITE resource that has a worldwide market.  And I took Econ 1, Perry did not (see other article where he made yet another assinine comment showing his absolute ignorance of basic economic principles). 

Yes, America is the world's leader now if you factor in coal, but the world now has more  cars...and as India and China get more, the consumption will blow peak oil predictions off the charts.

I am reminded again by the whale analogy.  In the late 19th century whale blubber was hunted  (killing most of the world's whales in about thirty years), to bring light to homes at night without candles. 

This phenomenon lasted about thirty years and almost all the whales in the world were dead...and guess what...NO OIL!

And that was with a very small supply and demand. 

Global warming is causing a huge demand for air conditioning everywhere.  And energy demand for energy production is through the roof...and fracking finds more natural gas than anything else. 

BUT, fracking will NOT save us period.  It is only accelerating what is coming,  a sudden run out of oil and gas for everyone (except the rich).

With a commute driven economy the whale analogy will be a picnic to the reckoning that is coming.  The world is tragically copying the huge wrong turn America took only a hundred years ago, the internal combustion engine as the main form of human transportion.  This has created a huge demand for gasoline that has made the peak oil prediction even worse for humanity.

And solar and wind won't be able to fill the far solar and wind driven airplanes are not possible!