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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Obstruct Obstruct Die

It was on page five or six of the Sacramento Bee.  The article was not long, but devastating.

It seems that Chemotherapy costs will not be completely covered by Medicare due to the sequester.  Private physicians, in whose offices chemo usually is administered have been cut 2% by the sequester. 

According to  physicians, this cut is too much to bear, so they are refusing to administer chemo to Medicare patients in their offices.

This means the patients must be admitted to a hospital, as out patients, to get their medicine.

In some cases this could mean four or five hour drives.

And who is to blame for this?

The god damned Republicans, that is who. 

They, as usual, are stalling obstructing, posturing, grandstanding, anything to destroy the Black President.

The facts are that national debt is declining rapidly, without the sequester.  Withdrawing from Iraq, where George W. literally pissed trillions down the drain while cutting taxes, has resulted in a slow shrinking of the deficit.  Afghanistan will have the same result.

As the economy improves, and it is in spite of heroic Republican efforts to wreck it for political advantage, the deficit will decline even further.

Does that satisfy a party that has declined into a nay saying bunch of ideological fanatics?  NO!

Everyday, they rant, they posture, they whine, and they obstruct.

Now, cancer patients will die thanks to the nonsense of the GOP.

It brings back the horrible memories of my wife, traveling to the doctor's office for chemo.  It was very different going to the doctor's office, than to the hospital; although in her case, the traveling distance was minimal. 

But to  the cancer patient in Burney, California, the impact could be pronounced if they had to drive to Redding to get treatment.  Can you imagine the stress, especially on an elderly patient, to be driven (most chemo patients are in no shape after treatment to drive), hundreds of miles to a hospital, retching all the way home?

Have the Cons no shame at all? 

 Next of course, will be the cuts to Pre-schools, then  cuts to the defense department, just as North Korea is rattling its sabers.  Sounds just like 1940, when the same pack of idiots foolishly voted in mass against the draft, as Hitler ran rampant in Europe.  If we had not won that fight, we probably would be speaking Japanese!

But, they still obstruct, to get their way, to protect the rich, and to attack social programs like Medicare and Social Security that do need rational reform to be sure, but not wholesale cuts.

The Party of Defeat, the Party of No!  The Party of inhuman callousness toward their fellow human beings..

They make me sick!  And now, they are killing the sick!

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