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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Eastwood Post and Assholes

I was minding my own business, just checking my Facebook and wham, there it was.

A black background, with a picture of Clint Eastwood.  The text read something like more bullets for assholes.  Like a fool, I checked the comments, and the third comment said, and "this would work for Obama", in short, it threatened the President of the United States.

The post was "shared" by an ex-Facebook friend (I de-friended him immediately).  I also intend to distance myself from him.

And then, in some of the comments I got the inevitable "calm down", "you are over reacting" etc.

Does anyone remember Sandy Hook, it was just six months ago?  

 A day or so ago, a gunman snuck into a school in Georgia, with an assault rifle intent on killing police who were responding.  Thank God he was "talked down" by an heroic hostage and there were no casualties.  Meanwhile we had Trevor Martin, and just today a white young man gunned down for no reason by three African Americans.  And of course, Fox News jumped into that one, wondering why the President didn't comment.  

Of course they ignored that the gist of the Trevor Martin case was that charges were not filed for months after the killing...In the recent case the bad guys were arrested immediately.  

But death is death.  If the President had the time, he should comment of every homicide with a gun; he would have to comment all day; every day...there are hundreds of them a day!  

And the toll just continues.  The United States has the most domestic violence of all the world countries currently not involved in Civil War.  And, we even have more than Syria and Egypt per capita, and they ARE involved in a Civil War.  You have to go to Darfur to see a higher casualty rate.

And posts are made on Facebook that basically say, "If you know an asshole, shoot them".  And Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry himself, who shot bad guys all day long, is the example.  Dirty Harry?  Really!  

This all insinuates that disputes, political, personal; etc., can be solved by killing the "asshole" with a gun.  A bullet solves the dispute.

What are we doing?  What is wrong here?

In Nazi Germany, genocide was initiated by killing Jews, Russians, Poles, Gypsies; etc by lining thousands up to trenches and shooting them in the back of the head.  So many were executed this way, that the German Army was running out of bullets.

That is how the gas chambers were invented.  The Nazis shot so many "assholes" they ran out of bullets.  That is exactly what the Eastwood Facebook Post implied; kill with bullets, but there are more assholes than bullets.

So what is next, poison gas?  In fact, two days ago in Syria, one of the sides used poison gas and hundreds were suffocated; mostly babies and children.  The news accounts were rife with startling pictures of lifeless infants, killed by poison gas.  Who ever did this, certainly felt that the "other side" were "assholes" and should be killed.

Genocide works like that.  Studies show that perpetrators of genocide never get what they have done, there is always a justification:  self defense, fear of genocide against them, racial or ethnic prejudices; hand of course hate.  Killing babies can even be justified, 

Sherman famously said Nits make Lice when questioned about giving small pox infected blankets to Native American children.  

Hanna Arendt wrote her famous "The Banality of Evil", discovering that Germans went about their killing like a job, nine to five, just working for a living...The fact they were killing human beings was a job, a task like changing a tire.  My blood chills just thinking about it.  

Everyday in this nation, we see deaths by gunfire.  There are guns everywhere.  Certainly we have enough bullets for all the assholes who live in the United States?  

Actually no, the NRA has for months been calling for an investigation of the Federal Government who allegedly is using up available ammunition, leaving less bullets for the private "assholes".  Predictably, there has been a run on ammo, gun sellers gleefully selling out of bullets.

So the assholes better watch out, because there just might be enough bullets, and Eastwood's final "solution" can be enacted.

Finally, I have been told to "get a life" "lighten up", you are taking this too seriously.

Tell the parents of Sandy Hook that!  

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