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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Poor and getting poor

Well we survived I guess.  A temporary extension of the Debt Limit and the government is open today.

And we are poorer today.  What came out of this was an "agreement" (extortion works) that continues the austerity madness conservatives have given us.

Food stamps have been cut.  Unemployment is cut.  Government spending is cut, with no new revenues to "attack" the deficit.  We cure a sick economy by making it sicker!

These attackers completely forget that most of the deficit exists because the GOP decided to fight two wars, with massive tax cuts.  It is the revenue that we lack, to pay the bills that these same stalwarts of fiscal responsibility rang up.

And we are getting poor and getting poorer.

The ACA survived lets see:  the fiftieth challenge to its existence.  Meanwhile over one half of all states have refused total federal funding of Medicaid which leaves millions poorer and still without health insurance.  We are getting poorer.

The cuts to government spending are at huge levels in this latest "agreement" to extend the government's life for a few weeks.  Democrats have at the point of a gun, been forced to accept the economics of austerity while unemployment is over 8 percent in most of the country.

A comparison is 1936, when FDR foolishly bought back into the austerity idea of "curing" the economy, cut spending and the nation dipped back into depression.  He famously said it was the "worst mistake I ever made".

The fact is we get poorer EVERY TIME we listen to the conservatives.  Their leadership results in widespread poverty and harm.

Wealth is so poorly distributed in our nation today, it rivals the "banana republics" of Latin America.  The middle class dwindles more everyday.  Young people graduate with huge loan debts from college, and can't get a job.

And then, we finally get a universal health law, and it is attacked with no end by ideologues, who would rather destroy the country than allow people to have health insurance.

And we are getting poor and getting poorer, while the rich get richer.

And we getting tired of this yet?   Please vote.  Please vote these fools out!

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