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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Divided We Stand

I would urge you to read the article, "Divided We Stand" in the San Jose Mercury News" Sunday, December 13, 2015.  

  It shows that the entrenched system of white supremacy is only slightly less obvious than in 1960!  That is heartbreaking to say the least.

Right now the Supreme Court is about to eliminate complete any vestige of Affirmative Action.  Voter rights have already been curtailed making Selma irrelevant.  In short, white supremacy is on the rise and winning in every area.  

Consequently, people of color  lead in virtually every indicator of poverty and agony, from incarceration rates to reading scores.  Charter Schools have been pushed, along with private schools, to segregate our schools worse than 1960.  And "Black Lives Matter" is a outrage of African Americans against the wholesale slaughter of young men by the police in shoot after shoot after shoot.

A political party, once of Lincoln the Great Emancipator, now feeds off racial prejudice and white privilege.  The stereotyping of an entire religion (which is mostly practiced by people of color) is just one more example of WASPs incredible racism.  

And then there is the violence in the mean streets of America, by gangs, drug peddlers you name it, making  living to maturity an accomplishment for many.  Chicago is a town where an African American young man has more than one way to get shot on the way to school.  White kids just worry about which bus to take.  

And I haven't even mentioned Native Americans, who have made absolutely no progress in the last 40 years: none.  Sadly the Casinos have made more white people richer and the  lot of most Native Americans is the same as always, poverty, addiction; and early death.

And white supremacy rides on, in all its evil; now supported by a denier class championed by Fox News and other conservative voices who simply pretend the whole thing is not there.  After all, we elected a Black President, right; as they sabotage everything he has tried to do.

And the gap between the rich and the poor is now a chasm.  And white former middle class victims of this swindle, turn on the poor scared to death that they are next.  And, the way this is going, they already are next; poor, dying early, angry, miserable and lost.  And what do they do?  Why they rally around Trump, as their savior; who is NOT their friend by any stretch of the imagination.  

Divided we stand for sure.  And weakened as well.  America is losing. It is losing because in the world economy we do not get the fact that white supremacy is an enormous weakness, and invitation for reaction, and retaliation (call it terrorism).  Why do "they" hate us....for Christ's sake think about it!

Why do "they" hate "us"?  A Presidential candidate promises to send all the Mexicans home, stop Muslims from entering the country, then brags that "they" all love me.  

Look in the mirror this Christmas and who do you see?  When will we ever see the face of Jesus, shaking his head because we simply do not get it.  When will we stop hating and love; when?

And finally, for those who say, not is our ancestors who did all that bad stuff; then why are people still screaming.  Why do we think we have integrated colleges when the University of Alabama, who just had a young man win the Heisman, still have segregated fraternities?  

How does that make any sense, if we truly are "All men are created equal".  

It doesn' divided we stand, with a target on us from the rest of the disbelieving world.

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