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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Ok the debate has started. We need to discuss reforming our gun control laws. We need universal gun registration, background checks a national data base of all guns, outlaw semi automatic and automatic assault rifles and pistols...we need to comply with regulations to possess weapons SAFELY!

Oh no I hear you saying. No registrations, no background checks,etc.  We have our’s a free country

Oh Really...THINK on this:

1. All of your cars are registered and insured by mandate.
2. You are registered for the draft, for Social Security, licensed to drive, licensed to fly, you are licensed to fish and to hunt....there are data bases that track you associated with all of these.
3. Your appliances are all registered if you want them warranted.
4. All of your electronic appliances are registered, leaving an Mac and IP Address every time you send an email or open a web site.   Facebook and Google track your tastes and buying habits.
5. Your credit card registers you, and tracks your credit...
6. Your credit score is registered. If it is too low you can’t get that new car!  But you don’t go nuts, you work to improve your credit.
7. If you own a home it is deeded, registered insured tracked kept in a police address data base.   If you remodel you have to get a building permit and have inspections by law.
8. If you have a mortgage it is a deed of trust and is registered.   You fill out reams of forms to do this without a peep!

So why the heart attack if you have to register your gun, or get a license to have it (you do that if you hunt)?  Why go nuts if the government can do a background check on you to qualify to get a lethal weapon, but not a peep when credit checks are run on you to buy anything of value?

You stand for hours at the DMV to take a TEST to prove you can drive. But there is no test to prove you can safely handle a firearm, not a national one or state one in most states.   You give thousand of dollars to the NRA so that you won’t have to comply to ANYTHING to have a tool that kills things. Cars can kill take a test to drive a test to use a tool that kills people!

Finally you work for your entire working life to develop a resume of what education you have, of training you have, and letters of recommendation to get a job....but go nuts if a resume was required to carry a weapon.   It is my says so in the 2nd Amendment....what about the Preamble, the 14th Amendment, the parts about having rights to live unafraid and safe?

We all conform...we all give up our liberty conditionally EVERY DAY.....So why go nuts if you to have to do responsible compliance to possess a lethal weapon?


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