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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Study debunks myths of families of color

“The study found that, at best, media outlets promoted racially biased portrayals and myths that attack  black families and idealize white families with respect to poverty and crime. At worst, media outlets amplified those inaccurate depictions for political and financial gain. Such reporting reinforces debunked narratives, helping to justify actions from police brutality to economic policies that will hurt not just black families but all families for generations.”

White supremacy is insidious.  It is amazing how Fox and other fascist media outlets coupled with the Republican con of “family values” has been a successful attack on people of color; when most of us know better!

They deal in myths, insidious myths created to cripple whole races of people.  

For years the African American family has been under attack.  During slavery the black family was the first thing slavers attacked, because family attachments affected productivity.  In short, a African American male slave, who was worried about his family,  did not work as hard.  So they were not allowed to have families.  Or if they did, the family was used as a weapon to drive up productivity by threatening to, or actually breaking up families if the slaves did not work hard enough.  Nothing motivates a father more than threatening to take away his family!

And in Native American families it was worse, declining  into a genocide of   the family, killing the adults and farming the children out to work camps, or sexual slavery (that is what was done in California....the “Golden State”.

Then, after a couple hundred years, a political party, the Republican Party, declared themselves the party of “family values” and continues to attack families of color with discrimination and outright lies that the core problems of unemployment, homelessness; etc., are families of color that are immoral, indecent, criminal or worse.

The facts are that families of color are dwarfed in dysfunction by Caucasian families.  The truth is the modern American family is no more, in fact less, dysfunctional than in the past.  

The destruction of the family by the Civil War was huge.  The destruction of the family of the western migration was huge.  The destruction of the family during the Great Depression and WWII was huge.  

The studies don’t lie.  Who does lie are white supremacists who use the same old attacks against families of color to pass repressive laws that throw people of color in jail at high rates, that purposefully destroy families to keep people of color subjugated.   

The problem is NOT families of color the problem is white supremacy....until we finally kill that we will be a country perpetually in trouble.

Every problem we face today socially and even economically is caused by white supremacy......every single one!

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