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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Another Con

Unbelievable. Now the cons have decided to vote against extending unemployment compensation. The reason is that people are shirking work to use up all their unemployment. These implies that people stay on unemployment willingly.

Remember the overwhelming numbers of unemployed workers are applying for work in mass numbers. Remember, the amount of unemployment compensation is minimal. People cannot pay their mortgages nor feed their families on unemployment compensation. Five people apply for every job opening.

Thousands show up for work. Job fairs are overwhelmed with applicants.

And still, the idiot cons argue that unemployment is encouraging unemployment? What?

These people are beyond belief.

The country may be lurching to the right but it is stupidly being led by Fox News and the Heritage Foundation. This "grass roots movement" is being fed by large corporate donations and funding.

The bottom line here is corporations are running the public debate in this country. The Republican Party is owned by the far right corporate class. Money is winning!

Today, right NOW, the top 500 companies in the United States are sitting on the highest amounts of cash and reserves in history. Do they consider investing in America?

No, they are sitting on their hands as America goes broke. Foreclosures are still raging, unemployment is still in double figures, and the rich corporations won't invest. Remember, one reason for their huge reserves is the federal stimulus, tax credits and tax cuts. Do they invest, like the con's favorite philosophy promises. No way. They sit and they wait because "We are not sure of the stability of the economy". This is another proof that "trickle down economics" doesn't work.

Of course, the real reason the corporations are not investing is they are waiting for the 2010 mid-term elections so they can help elect more Republicans who are in their wallets.

So WAKE UP AMERICA. Who got you into this mess? Who has always been the friend of corporate power? Who now votes against the unemployed and makes up a fiction that unemployment benefits actually encourage unemployment..

Anyone who has been on unemployment knows the truth. They know the agony and the depression being without work grinds into a person. People are not lazy who are unemployed. They are victims of the conservative free enterprise nonsense that has literally ruined the middle class and has destroyed our once vibrant economy.

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