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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Bring them Home

Get out of there! Get out of there!

Pack up the troops, round up the divisions, fire the damnable "contractors" and get them out.

We need to come home now!

President Obama inherited this mess, but then made it worse by sending in 40,000 more troops, ostensibly as a "surge" to tame the Taliban enough to give us a graceful exit.

But, we are fighting with an armed forces of volunteers, and National Guard troops, who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan two, three, sometimes four times. Our guys are worn out. We don't have time for a graceful exit. When we killed Bin Laden that was the graceful exit!

Recently, it was reported that the suicide rate for army troops is the highest ever. The rate of psychological breakdowns is at an all time high.

I would suggest that the battle fatigue of today's troopers is the highest since the worst years of World War II.

What we are asking of today's troops is crazy. They may be professionals, but they are human beings, and human beings were not built for years of combat. We just are not wired that way, hence the psychological breakdowns.

So the Koran is burned by "accident". Now, a Sergeant goes "crazy", and kills 16 civilians and then burns the bodies. This was no rookie, but a Sergeant, a professional. This was no accident, I believe it is a cry for help!

This was not the act of a person who had lost it. It was well planned; he did it at night with night vision glasses.

Burning the bodies was meant to give us second thoughts. To a Muslim, burning the body is a guarantee that the dead have no chance to heaven. It is an purposeful disrespectful act that is sure to cause wide scale protest and violence.

The sergeant meant to do is desperate call to end the war! The burning of the Koran was also no accident...the troops are sending us all a message...get us out of here!

The damned military industrial complex, that keeps this thing going for profit, needs to be reigned in. Unfortunately, President Obama has bought their crap, and is trying to find a "graceful" exit. There is no such thing.

Republicans actually want to re-engage. The "war party" went nuts when the President apologized for the burning of the Koran; cons will not withdraw us from Afghanistan; they put us there in the first place.

The President needs to do it, and right now. He is the only one who can do it. He got us out of Iraq; he needs to do the same right now in Afghanistan. Terrorism is at an all time low. Bin Laden is dead. There simply is not a reason, other than "withdrawal with honor" to stay.

Nobody, I mean nobody, believes that democracy will result in Afghanistan after we leave. Terrorist is at an all time low. Mission Accomplished: Get Out!

President Obama is running higher in polls right now. The economy is looking up.

He needs to not make the horrible mistake Lyndon Johnson made in 1968 when he promised to "get the boys home by Christmas" and then the Tet Offensive hit. It was over six years until the madness finally ended.

There are industrial and military forces in this country who profit hugely by undeclared war. War products corporations make amazing profits. The military, especially the officer corps, benefits with promotions and endless opportunities. And there is the combat pay of course. Veterans benefits go up; etc. But the enlisted men are going mad!

I think that deranged Sergeant just made a statement; albeit it a horrible one; to get us out of there! We need to listen to his cry for help!

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