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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Work Needs to Start

Truth:  The government needs revenue.  It just does.  There are no smoke and mirrors to fake it.  

The trick will be to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire, but in a measured manner.

I personally think allowing them to expire on people who make over $250,000 is a great idea.  We also need to look at the other tax cuts, even for the middle class, and phase them out gradually, to begin getting the deficit under control.  We also need to NOT dramatically cut spending, do not make the same mistake we made in 1936.

President Obama's balanced approach is sensible.  I hope he doesn't get bullied into anything less.

President Bush caused a huge deficit by cutting taxes irresponsibly while getting us into two wars, a huge addition to entitlements, and don't forget Homeland Security (a new federal agency with practically limitless funds).

All this was done on the Republican watch.

Then, incredibly, when President Obama was elected, they immediately turned from cut tax and spend, to deficit hawks.  They literally pivoted on a dime.

This was all a ruse, a con, too pin the deficit on the new President, make him the fall guy for the damage it did to the economy, and make him a one term President.

It almost worked.  Really, it almost did.

And, with a limitless amount of money to literally buy the election, the odds were great for a Republican sweep of the Senate, House and White House.

But, from the beginning, it appears, more Americans were on to the con than the cons themselves.

Any betting person would have figured it would work.  Billions were spent to make it work.  Fox News pounded away, year after year, that it was all Obama's fault.

And it did not work.  The con backfired.   The American People got it, saw the truth, and punished the Republican party for not honestly working with the President.

Billions were pissed away, gone, wasted.  I wonder how much gas prices will have to go up to pay for all the money Big Oil spent to elect Republicans, pass anti-union propositions; etc.

The real work needs to start to straighten out the problems facing our country.  Ruses, cons, and deceit were detected and punished severely last night.

Conservatives need to shake this infatuation they have with conning people, take Karl Rove out of their dialogue completely, insist Rush Limbaugh be fired, stop listening to nutso radio, stop the conspiracy theories and start working for the good of the nation.

The con did not work.  Immense amounts of money to support the con did not work.  Deceit does not make good public policy.  Karl Rove represents this principle, that deceit and lying work to win elections, regardless of the consequences.  He needs to disappear from the body politic.

The work needs to start to approach the real problems of the country, honestly, without sneaky agenda, and deceit.

Join us.

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