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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Really? Really?

Sometimes the actions of the right wing defy imagination.

The latest is the Supreme Court's taking of yet another challenge to the ACA.

This time it is not on constitutional grounds, but purely on legislative pretext (the Court acting like the mortibund Congress).

You see Congress for the past four years, has refused to do ANYTHING in a bi-partisan way.  The ordinary "clean up" of bills, even if your side lost the original vote, has not occurred.

So the Court has incredibly taken on a decision that could take affordable insurance away from millions of Americans.

Because, the ACA is working.  Just like its clone, in Massachusetts, after a slow start, millions are signing up to one, avoid the tax penalty, but two, to get the tax credit that will drop their health insurance to affordable levels.

And this is all for one sentence in the ACA that seems to imply that only state originated exchanges can offer tax deductions.

Many other places in the ACA it directly states that participation in either the state or federal built exchanges will qualify the participant for a tax credit.  The title of the law is the Affordable Care Act, which would make no sense if only a certain exchange qualifies a person for affordable care.

If the court rules that the IRS cannot apply the tax credit to all, then it will be basically be saying that states can veto federal law, nullification again?

Yes, that would be nullification that in U.S. history has always reeped bad returns:  read the Civil War, Jim Crowe, Civil Rights upheavals.

And what about the 14th Amemdment?  Does't that provide equal protection and equal application of law?

Every author of the law has stated that there is no way a segregated applicaton of the ACA's tax breaks is what they intended.  We NEVER heard anything about this mis-print, until a conservative group found the mis-print.

Again, in past years followup legislation would have fixed this.  But this is not ordinary times.

So, if the Supreme Court rules that the law may be applied unequally, millions will instantly be denied the lower cost insurance thay bought.  Millions.

And conservatives, who are arrogant beyond all belief, actually believe they will walk away without blame.  Are you kidding me?

There will be a backlash of millions of consumers, who got a break on their health care and now see their premiums go up with no tax relief.  Democrats will hammer them in 2016.

But worse, it will once again divide this country in a pre-Civil War consciousness, that I am predicting will have Americans killing Americans soon in wide spread violence.

All this so a bunch of ass holes can get their revenge on a President who only wanted to provide a system of health insurance that could bring down prices.

Really?   Then let them rot!

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