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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What about Congress?

This is a response to an article in the Sacramento Bee that fear mongered the threat of illegals might pose since they now won't be deported if they have a child that is a citizen:

Your well researched and totally biased piece wanders through logic until the last paragraph.   Your tortured logic demands that we deport illegals because they might commit a crime!


We are to accept that illegal aliens (like from outer space) are all criminals who now can feast on us since we have to wait until they commit a crime before they can be deported.  Have you looked up extradition in the Dictionary?

In our technological world, we are to accept that criminals cannot be tracked from country to country, and if they are wanted in their country, can't extradite them?

A Sacramento  sheriff gets on You Tube and trumpets that we are at risk.  The sky is falling, the sky is falling.  Be afraid, always be afraid.

So the next time I am in a hotel I will carry a weapon because the maids are all axe murderers!

You quote huge numbers of "potential" criminals as proof of the danger.  That is fear mongering.

No wonder the kid was shot down in Ferguson.  No wonder our jails are full of people of color, many who stole a piece of bread metaphorically.  Try reading "The New Jim Crowe", to see how racism is alive and well in our justice system.  A Sacramento Sheriff is the LAST person I listen to relative to race relations.  How many people of color are in his police force:  I will bet way lower than the population at large!

Once again you use fear...why always the fear.?  Because it works.  It worked the last time citizens of your persuasion used it on a large scale:  witness Germany 1932.

The facts are that the huge majority of illegals in this state and country are law abiding citizens.  There are criminals of course, how about extradition for example to deal with them?  How about legislation legalizing and taxing marijuana nation wide that would break the back of the Mexican Cartels where most of the "alien" crime starts?

Oh, that would involve law changes right?  Or it might involve treating our Latin American neighbor countries as equals under the law and beef up our extradition treaties.

But that would involve CONGRESS right?  And CONGRESS right now is too much involved in shoving the conservative world view down our throats, tax cuts forever and balancing the budget on the backs of the poor.

Congress is dominated by the right wing, who don't give a damn about anything but power!

And meanwhile Ferguson burns.

And we all wait for real reform, bi-partisan reform,not my way or the highway reform that the principled right demands and Congressional Republicans fear more than death itself.

The problem is Congress,  who predictably have seized on immigration as the latest fear tactic for political power.

Meanwhile, we Democrats will continue registering Latinos to vote,  and vote you out of the state!

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