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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Bill Maur Listen

And at the end of this piece, Bill messes up again.  He says that he, like many of us, grew up in an all white suburb and there was no racism.   He explains piously that his parents set him straight about race.

I believe that.  I believe that his parents told him the "n" word was wrong, that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution mean what they say.  And Bill is an educated person, he has been taught over and over again that racism has no place in America.

And he is spectacularly wrong.

Did he ever even consider WHY the suburb was all white? 

Now this guy went I think to Columbia.  He is Ivy League educated.  But this was when Columbia was almost all white.  And not too long before he matriculated those suburbs were institutionalized segregated.  That means by law. That means in my lifetime the law was changed to allow inter-racial marriages (my parents were illegal in that regard) and integrated the Armed Forces, so combat arms units could be integrated (and Vietnam was our first integtated war (and Afrian Americans seemed to always be on point?)

But what about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights?  What about "All Men (note Men) are created equal?

Read "White Rage" and it all will come into focus.  Read anything about Nelson Mandela and South Africa.

Racism is a western civilization and eastern civilization...all civilization phenomenon.  It is a curse on the human condition.  It is an original sin, you can find it everywhere in human history.  And yes, people of color practice it as well.

But particularly with the United States it stands out so starkly; beause we profess to be the land of the free, the exception to human inequality and hate. 

And our history betrays that; it negates it, it makes us all hypocrites. 

Bill would have been better to admit the racist slur, then go into some of the history on how it came into being. 

Two things conditioned us; two not one..Both were based in the racist poison that declared people with less pigmentation in their skin, caused by thousands of years of living in northern climates, were somehow smarter and more attractive than those humans who lived nearer the equator.  This in spite of the scientific fact that "people of color" has probably been evolution wise the first "human beings" .

Of course in 1600 people didn't know that DNA shows the human family varies less than 5% different, which is skin color and hair type, one "race" from another.

Bill knows this.  But to really know it you need to have read history.

And the second....why the second is genocide of "racial inferiors"; ethnic cleansing.  And that, my fellow Californians, exists right in your backyard (seriously you might have skeletons in your back yard),  victims of Indian hunters, beheaded their bounties; and enslaved the children for life if they let them live.

The founders of Chico, Sacramento, Old Shasta ; etc.etc. were murderers.  If you have ancestory in California, white or colored, you share that disaster. 

And most of us don't know a damn thing about it.  Still, I mean still, we worship Junipero Serra (I was on Serra Blvd two weeks ago when I went to Stanford for a baseball game).  And the Pope recently made of saint of a short hateful racist who used to beat then rape young Native American children. 

So Bill, you screwed up.  But make it worse by declaring that you "grew up" without prejudice and is not lost on God that our nation's Capitol still insists on Redskins as its  NFL mascot when its history goes straight to genocidal atrocities. 

That is genocidal atrocities....that is a system of slavery that simply was the most brutal on earth...that is if you really look, as Bill Cosby (?) once said, if you look at America hard enough "You're going to get a black eye"...then proceeded to show in some detail a history that had been repressed for years: Jim Crowe, Black Codes, Institutionalized Racism; etc.

The history is getting right:   the past twenty years have a seen an explosiion of mostly scholarly works that, rather than the Black History phenomenon  of the 70s and 80s, doesn't talk only about Booker T. Washington and all the positives that people of color contributed, but to the stark horror and brutality that lynched thousands  in our history (one of them my great great grandfather).

Put THAT on  your family tree and discuss it.  Discuss it hell, scream about it. 

Then elect a bigot of a President.  Elect with voter suppression laws bigots and racists all over the place, attempting to once again return us to the "America First" environment that lynched people for not moving over on a sidewalk to let a white woman pass, or dared to get a drink of water from a forbidden water fountain, or dared to follow ancient customs and worship a Great Mystery rather than God.

THE ONLY WAY THIS NATION WILL EVER TRULY BE FREE IS TO END WHITE SUPREMACY WITH PREJUDICE.   That means making behaviors like Trumps and others a crime and punish racism at every turn.  You will change your behavior if you spend time in jail.  You willl not have racist behavior if you educate children with the truth.

It is happening....we are a little further along than in 1960....but we are sliding back once white supremacy raises its miserable evil head.

Bill, devote a show or more to the truth if you want to repent.

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