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A Cry in the Darkness

As we slide further into the Conservative Abyss, a few of us who remember the New Deal and what having a real Middle Class have something to say to add fuel to the teabag fire.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day!?

She is right, not all are missing in action.....and it is wrong to fall into the stereotype that African American fathers cat around, abandon their children, don't care; etc.

These are all the myths of white supremacy.

You SHOULD know the history behind this.   The first thing slavers did with newly captured Africans was make sure the families were broken up.  People were much easier to guard on the mid-passage if the were separated from their families.  And the death rate was enormous during this hell on earth experience; with women and children dying first.

So the population that made it to the "New World" were mostly men. 

And then, on the plantations, families were again something that impeded the forced labor camps that really were plantations.  Do not buy the bullshit that Conservative white supremacists spew now; that the plantation live was somehow bucholic, that white plantation owners took good care of their slaves. 

That is simply not true.  Slaveowners treated their slaves like animals, chattel if you will, separating families at every turn, forcing African Americans into a matriarchal society (many African tribes were organized this way in the first place; men were the hunters and women ran the village).  The result, a twisted marital relationship that worked hard to separate men from their families, that encouraged breeding with multiple women (chattel remember).

And so, when freedom finally came, a culture of anti-familiy values existed. 

Somehow African Americans withstood this attack on stable culture; but then the anti-bellum hell hit.  In order to keep "Blacks" in their place (in short working a sharecroppers under Black Codes that reverted them back to slaves) again the family had no place.  Again men were separated from their families to "keep them under control" for nearly 100 years.

More than once men emigrated to the north to work and sent money back to their families.  But the damage continued; existing without family became a survival method.

And then came 1964 and the civil rights act.  And then 1967 and the Supreme Court voting to allow inter-racial marriages.  And the United States finally realized that white supremacy, NOT inherent Arican American "traits" were the cause of the fractured African American families.

And what did whte supremacy do,, when at least Hollywood and mass media realized the destructioin that the war on African American families had brought?

The WAR ON DRUGS with determinant sentences for even minor possession of drugs was the next trick of White Supremacy to continue the subjugation. 

Mass incarceration was now the tool used to break up African American families; and this crime against humanity continues to this day.  Along with this is the practice of shooting first and asking no questions; that everyday kills countless African American males.  In short, in 2017 it is still happening folks.

There is a short truth about black fathers.  If you want more, read up on the truth of Native American fathers, who were genocided out of existence, leaving a cultural wasteland in it wake:

And  that touched me and touches me everyday!  White supremacy is the problem, it always has been, and we need to eradicate it.

And Trump and the Republican Party is the embodiment of it today!

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